[Turkmath:6607] mathoverflow

Arkadas Ozakin arkadas at gmail.com
11 Eki 2009 Paz 02:06:22 EEST


Bilgisayar programcilari arasinda populer bir soru/cevap sitesinin
(stackoverflow) matematikciler icin olan halini yapmislar. Matematikle
ilgili sorular soruluyor, uyeler cevap veriyor. Su an ana sayfadaki
sorulardan bir ornek vereyim:

"What are some examples of compact Kaehler manifolds (or smooth
complex projective varieties) that are not isomorphic as complex
manifolds (or as varieties), but are isomorphic as symplectic
manifolds (with the symplectic structure induced from the Kaehler
structure)? Elliptic curves should be an example, but I can't think of
any others. I'm sure there should be lots..."


Ana sayfa:


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Boyle yuksek kalitede devam ederse cok faydali olabilir. Formul
destegi (LaTex) de ekleyeceklermis.


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