[Turkmath:7369] Measure Transportation on the Wiener space, December 21 (Tuesday), 2010 - 14:00, Ali Süleyman Üstünel, ENST
Kursat Aker
aker at gursey.gov.tr
15 Ara 2010 Çar 01:02:02 EET
December 21 (Tuesday), 2010 - 14:00
*Ali Süleyman Üstünel* (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Télécommunications
*Measure Transportation on the Wiener space*
*Abstract :* We review the recent results on the measure transportation
problem on finite and infinite dimensional spaces. Their relations to
Monge-Ampere equation will also be discussed.
For more, see www.gursey.gov.tr .
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