[Turkmath:7132] Bogazici Matematik Seminerleri 2 Carsamba - ilan ekte

ferit.ozturk at boun.edu.tr ferit.ozturk at boun.edu.tr
2 Tem 2010 Cum 16:57:32 EEST

Konusmalar Ýngilizce yapýlmaktadýr.

Regular idempotents in beta G

Yevhen Zelenyuk
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Date	  : Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Time	  : 14:00
Place     : TB 250, Boðaziçi Üniversitesi

Abstract: Every idempotent ultrafilter p on a group G determines a Hausdorff
left translation invariant maximal topology on G in which p converges to the
identity. We say that p is regular if this topology is regular and p is
uniform. We show that for every infinite group G, there exists a regular
idempotent ultrafilter on G. As a consequence we obtain that for every infinite
cardinal k, there exists a homogeneous regular maximal space of dispersion
character k, which is the answer to an old difficult question. Another
consequence tells us that the topology of the real line can be refined to a
translation invariant regular maximal topology of dispersion character

Tea and coffee will be served at 15:00
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?sim: 070710YevhenZelenyuk.pdf
Tür: application/pdf
Boyut: 74999 bayt
Tan?m: kullan?lam?yor
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