[Turkmath:6889] Octavian Agratini, AIBU
cenap ozel
ozel_c at ibu.edu.tr
29 Mar 2010 Pzt 12:25:18 EEST
Degerli Liste Uyeleri,
Babeş - Bolyai Universitesinden Prof Dr Octavian Agratini
Abant Izzet Baysal Universitesi Matematik Bolumunu 1-7 Nisan tarihlerinde
Erasmus kapsaminda ziyaret edecektir.
Profesor Agratini bu donemde asagida detaylari verilmis konusmalari
İlgilerinize saygilarimla arz ederim.
Cenap Ozel
Spekaer: Octavian Agratini
Babeş - Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Department of Applied Mathematics, 400084 Cluj, Romania
Date:02/04/2010, 15.30
Abstract of the conference:
The talk should be considered as an introduction to the fertile field of
wavelet analy-sis. Wavelets are a tool with a rich mathematical content and
a great potential for varied applications. For the definition of orthogonal
wavelet function we follow the direction due to Franklin and Stromberg.
During exposure we try to give answers to the questions: What are wavelets
and what is their relation to Fourier analysis? Where do the scaling
function and the wavelet function come from? Wavelet analysis is based on
the decomposition of a piecewise constant approximation function into a
coarser appro-ximation and a detail function.
We stop for presentation the concept of multiresolution analysis (MRA)
which is related to the study of the signals f of different levels of
resolution, each of them being a finer version of f. We will also know the
function that generates MRA. It is called the father wavelet and it
satisfies two scale relation or dilation equation. The properties of the
father wavelet are revealed and one presents three methods for construction
of this spe-cial function: by iteration, by Fourier analysis, by recursion.
Examples are delivered and the role of cardinal B-splines are highlighted.
Further on, we introduce mother wavelet and we indicate possibilities to
obtain it from a given scale function. This way, one observes that the
mother wavelet associated with a certain MRA is not unique. On the other
hand, we provide lots of examples so as to clarify all notions involved. At
the final part, aspects regarding wavelet decomposi-tions and
reconstructions are emphasized.
Date:05/04/2010, 15.30
Abstract of the conference
Approximation Theory represents an old field of mathematical research with a
great potential for applications to a wide variety of problems. In the
fifties, a new breath over it has been brought by a systematic study of the
linear methods of approximation which are given by sequences of linear
operators, the essential ingredient being that of positivity. In this
respect, our talk represents a journey in the world of positive
approximation process-es (PAP), meeting mathematicians, historical notes and
outstanding results.
We start by presenting the roots of this approach, a result due to
Popoviciu-Bohman-Korovkin, one of the most powerful criterion to decide if a
sequence of linear positive operators towards the identity operator with
respect to the uniform norm. Furter on, in distinct sections we indicate
classical and modern research directions of this field, quantitative
evaluations of the error of approximation involving moduli of smoothness and
K-functionals, a probabilistic approach revealing the connection between a
random scheme and the construction of a certain PAP. We will present
examples of classes of operators which approximate functions acting on
bounded or unbounded intervals.
Our talk will bring into light recent results about the statistical
convergence or the matrix summability method. The advantage of replacing the
uniform convergence by statistical convergence consists in the fact that the
last convergence models and improves the technique of signal approximation
in different functions spaces. The convergence in variation and the
variation detracting property will be also examined.
The last part of our conference is devoted to q-Calculus. During the last
decade it was intensively used in the construction for different
generalizations of many classical sequences of linear positive operators.
Our aim is to give a more complete perspective of these achievements.
Dr. Cenap OZEL
Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi
Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi
Matematik Bölümü
Gölköy Kampusu
14280 BOLU
Telefon: +90 374 2541000/1314
e-posta : cenap at ibu.edu.tr
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