Oya Cesur Demir oya.cesur at bilgi.edu.tr
19 Nis 2011 Sal 10:57:23 EEST

Duygu Nizamoğulları
(İstanbul Bilgi University)
22 April Friday, at 13:00;
Bilgi Üniversitesi Dolapdere Kampüsü, Room:130.
Axiomatic Characterization of the Core in two-sided Matching Problems
In the first part of the talk we will introduce basic concepts of Matching Theory. We will
give definitions of matching and matching rule. Next, formal definitions of properties of matching,namely individual rationality, stability, Pareto optimality will be presented. The existence problem ofstable matching will be analysed. Then we will focus on some well-known matching rules.
In the second part of the talk, we will present some characterization results. After mentioning Sasakiand Toda(1992)'s paper in which core (set of stable matchings) is characterized by four axioms, wewill talk about our recent work which is an extension of this paper.

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