[Turkmath:7711] Prof. Alexey Parshin seminerleri, Yeditepe Universitesi/ Lectures by Prof. Alexey Parshin at Yeditepe University

Itır Mogultay itir.mogultay at yeditepe.edu.tr
11 Mayıs 2011 Çar 11:11:59 EEST

Degerli Liste Uyeleri,

30 Mayis--10 Haziran 2011 tarihleri arasinda Yeditepe Universitesinin konugu olarak Prof. Dr. Alexey N. Parshin Matematik Bolumunu ziyaret edecektir.

 (Prof. Dr. Alexey N. Parshin :  Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
     Head of the Algebra and Number Theory Department
                  Steklov Mathematical Institute
                   Russian Academy of Sciences

Bu ziyaret sirasinda:

02 Haziran, 2011 (Persembe), 10:00--12:00
06 Haziran , 2011 (Pazartesi), 10:00--12:00
09 Haziran, 2011 (Persembe), 10:00--12:00


"Lectures on the harmonic analysis on higher local fields and global adelic spaces"
adli bir dizi seminer anlatacaktir.

Prof. Alexey N. Parshin'in ziyareti TUBITAK ve Yeditepe Univ. tarafindan desteklenmektedir.

Ayrica, bolum seminerleri kapsaminda

31 Mayis 2011, Sali gunu saat   14:00'de  "Discrete adelic groups attached to two-dimensional schemes"

7 Haziran 2011, Sali gunu saat 14:00'de    "Representation theory of discrete Heisenberg groups"  baslikli konusmalarini yapacaktir.

Seminerler Yeditepe Univesitesi Matematik Bolumu'nde seminer odasinda (B618) yapilacaktir.



Dear Group Members;

Between May 30-June 10, 2011, Prof. Dr. Alexey N. Parshin will be visiting the Mathematics Department of Yeditepe University. Prof. Dr. Alexey N. Parshin is a  corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences,  Head of the Algebra and Number Theory Department,  Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,  Moscow-Russia.

During his visit, he will be giving a list of lectures with the title:  "Lectures on the harmonic analysis on higher local fields and global adelic spaces" on the following days:

June 2, 2011 (Thursday), 10:00--12:00
June 6 , 2011 (Monday), 10:00--12:00
June 9, 2011 (Thursday), 10:00--12:00

 The visit of Prof. Parshin is supported by TUBITAK and Yeditepe University.

Besides the list of seminars given above, he will be speaking as a part of our weekly departmental seminars:

May 31, 2011 (Tuesday) 14:00pm:   "Discrete adelic groups attached to two-dimensional schemes"

June 7. 2011 (Tuesday) 14:00pm:     "Representation theory of discrete Heisenberg groups"

All lectures and seminars will be at the Seminar Room (B618), Department of Mathematics, Yeditepe University.



Itır Mogultay
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Yeditepe University, Turkey

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