[Turkmath:7718] Algebraic Combinatorics, June 5 - 18, 2011, TÜBİTAK - FEZA GÜRSEY INSTITUTE

Kursat Aker aker at gursey.gov.tr
14 Mayıs 2011 Cmt 15:24:53 EEST

  Algebraic Combinatorics

      June 5 - 18, 2011



    * Alain Lascoux, IGM, Université de Marne-la-Vallée
    * Piotr Pragacz, Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences


    * *Combinatorial Operators on Polynomials, Schubert and Macdonald
      Polynomials* /by/ Alain Lascoux


         1. A. Lascoux, Symmetric Functions and Combinatorial Operators
            on Polynomials, CBMS/AMS Lectures Notes 99, Providence
            (2003). (No ACE, Exercises)

            /Versions Available Online:/

                o Symmetric Functions, Nankai University,
                  October-November 2001.
                  (ACE, Exercises)
                o Operators on Polynomials, ACE Summer School, July
                  (ACE, Exercises)
                o Symmetric Functions and Combinatorial Operators on
                  Polynomials, North-Carolina, June 2001.
                  (No ACE, No Exercises)
         2. A. Lascoux, /Schubert and Macdonald Polynomials, a parallel/
            (preprint: http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/~al/ARTICLES/Dummies.pdf
            <http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/%7Eal/ARTICLES/Dummies.pdf> )
    * *Posititivity in Global Singularity Theory* /by/ Piotr Pragacz


         1. Pragacz, Weber; Thom polynomials of invariant cones, Schur
            functions, and positivity, in: "Algebraic cycles, sheaves,
            shtukas, and moduli", "Trends in Mathematics", Birkhauser,
            2007, 117-129.
         2. Pragacz, Mikosz, Weber; Positivity of Thom polynomials II:
            the Lagrange singularities , Fundamenta Math. 202 (2009),
         3. Pragacz, Mikosz, Weber; Positivity of Legendrian Thom
            polynomials, arXiv:1005.1283v1 [math.AG].
    * *Chern Classes of Singular Varieties* /by/ Piotr Pragacz


         1. Pragacz, Parusinski; Characteristic classes of hypersurfaces
            and characteristic cycles, Journal of Algebraic Geometry 10
            (2001), 63-79.
         2. Pragacz, Parusinski; Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson classes and
            the Euler characteristic of degeneracy loci and special
            divisors, Journal of the A.M.S. 8(1995), 793-817.


*Accommodation* (including breakfast, lunch) will be provided by Feza 
Gürsey Institute *Student Hostel* for participants from outside İstanbul 
if desired.

*Travel funds* are *not* available for participants.

All participants, including those from Istanbul, are *strongly* 
encouraged to fill in the following *application form*. Filling in the 
application form is *critical*: It will help us at TÜBİTAK - Feza Gürsey 
Institute to keep better records and provide the best service for all 
participants, including meal arrangements and alike.

*Number of participants is limited to _30_ people.*

*Deadline:* May 27, 2011

*To Apply:* http://www.gursey.gov.tr/apps/app-frm-gen.php?id=co1106

*Web site:* http://www.gursey.gov.tr/new/co1106/

Özer Öztürk (MSGSÜ),
Kürşat Aker (TÜBİTAK - Feza Gürsey Enstitüsü).

*Contact:* aker[/]gursey.gov.tr

Algebraic Combinatorics

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