[Turkmath:7745] Algebraic Combinatorics, June 5 - 18, 2011, TÜBİTAK - FEZA GÜRSEY INSTITUTE

Kürsat Aker kursataker at gmail.com
27 Mayıs 2011 Cum 15:09:57 EEST

Cebirsel Kombinatorik Okulu için başvurular 30 Mayıs'a kadar uzatıldı.

Application deadline for Algebraic Combinatorics is extended till May 30,
Algebraic Combinatorics June 5 - 18, 2011



   - Alain Lascoux, IGM, Université de Marne-la-Vallée
   - Piotr Pragacz, Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences


   - *Combinatorial Operators on Polynomials, Schubert and Macdonald
   Polynomials* *by* Alain Lascoux

   1. A. Lascoux, Symmetric Functions and Combinatorial Operators on
      Polynomials, CBMS/AMS Lectures Notes 99, Providence (2003). (No ACE,

      *Versions Available Online:*
      - Symmetric Functions, Nankai University, October-November
         - Operators on Polynomials, ACE Summer School, July
         - Symmetric Functions and Combinatorial Operators on Polynomials,
         North-Carolina, June
ACE, No Exercises)
      2. A. Lascoux, *Schubert and Macdonald Polynomials, a parallel*(preprint:
      http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/~al/ARTICLES/Dummies.pdf )
   - *Posititivity in Global Singularity Theory* *by* Piotr Pragacz

   The pioneering papers of Griffiths and Fulton and Lazarsfeld investigated
   numerical positivity related to ample vector bundles in differential and
   algebraic geometry. Their various variants are nowadays widely investigated
   in algebraic geometry. Among main objects of global singularity theory are
   the Thom polynomials of singularity classes. We shall consider Thom
   polynomials of singularities of mappings and Lagrangian and Legendrian Thom
   polynomials. We shall show that in some bases coming from representation
   theory, they admit positive expansions.

   1. Pragacz, Weber; Thom polynomials of invariant cones, Schur functions,
      and positivity, in: "Algebraic cycles, sheaves, shtukas, and moduli",
      "Trends in Mathematics", Birkhauser, 2007, 117-129.
      2. Pragacz, Mikosz, Weber; Positivity of Thom polynomials II: the
      Lagrange singularities , Fundamenta Math. 202 (2009), 65-79.
      3. Pragacz, Mikosz, Weber; Positivity of Legendrian Thom polynomials,
      arXiv:1005.1283v1 [math.AG].
   - *Chern Classes of Singular Varieties* *by* Piotr Pragacz

   For a singular variety, the family of the tangent spaces to its points
   does not give rise to a vector bundle. Nevertheless, it is possible to have
   well defined characteristic classes. They will be the subject of the talk.

   1. Pragacz, Parusinski; Characteristic classes of hypersurfaces and
      characteristic cycles, Journal of Algebraic Geometry 10 (2001), 63-79.
      2. Pragacz, Parusinski; Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson classes and the
      Euler characteristic of degeneracy loci and special divisors,
Journal of the
      A.M.S. 8(1995), 793-817.


*Accommodation* (including breakfast, lunch) will be provided by Feza Gürsey
Institute *Student Hostel* for participants from outside İstanbul if

*Travel funds* are *not* available for participants.

All participants, including those from Istanbul, are *strongly* encouraged
to fill in the following *application form*. Filling in the application form
is *critical*: It will help us at TÜBİTAK - Feza Gürsey Institute to keep
better records and provide the best service for all participants, including
meal arrangements and alike.

*Number of participants is limited to 30 people.*

*Deadline:* May 30, 2011

*To Apply:* http://www.gursey.gov.tr/apps/app-frm-gen.php?id=co1106

*Web site:* http://www.gursey.gov.tr/new/co1106/

Özer Öztürk (MSGSÜ),
Kürşat Aker (TÜBİTAK - Feza Gürsey Enstitüsü).

*Contact:* aker[/]gursey.gov.tr
 Algebraic Combinatorics
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