[Turkmath:8029] Doğuş University Mathematics Seminars: Richard Gonzales, Nov 25th 16:00 H-BLOCK 606

Turker Ozsari tozsari at gmail.com
22 Kas 2011 Sal 13:53:32 EET

*Mathematics Seminars *
Richard Gonzales, will give a talk on group embeddings, to be held on
Friday, Nov 25th by the Doğuş University Mathematics Department.  His talk
titled "Standard group embeddings and GKM theory" will commence at 16:00.
The seminar, set from 16:00 to 17:00 taking place at H-Block 606, will also
include refreshments afterward.

Standard group embeddings and GKM theory.

Richard Gonzales
The speaker is supported under TUBITAK ISBAP Grant  107T897 -
Matematik İşbirliği Ağı: Cebir ve Uygulamaları.

*Location and Time*
Doğuş University, H-Blok 606, 25 Nov, 16:00
*Abstract *
GKM theory is a topological tool that owes its name to the work of Goresky,
Kottwitz and MacPherson.
It allows to describe the cohomology ring of certain algebraic varieties
endowed with a torus action in terms
of finite combinatorial data coming from the set of fixed points and
one-dimensional closed orbits.  On the
other hand, a group embedding is, broadly speaking, an appropriate
compactification of a reductive group.
Standard embeddings form a distinctive and natural class among all possible
compactifications. A key feature
of standard embeddings is their close relationship to algebraic monoids. In
this talk, we aim at providing a
link between GKM theory and Embedding theory. Our major result explains how
GKM theory can be effectively
applied to describe the equivariant cohomology of rationally smooth
standard embeddings.


Brion, M. ''The behaviour at infinity of the Bruhat decomposition''.
Comment. Math. Helv. 73, pp. 137-174 (1998).

Gonzales, R. ''GKM theory of rationally smooth group embeddings''. PhD
thesis (2011). http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/etd/216/

Goresky, M., Kottwitz, R., MacPherson, R. ''Equivariant Cohomology, Koszul
duality, and the localization theorem''. Invent. math. 131, pp. 25-83

Renner, L. '' The H-polynomial of an Irreducible Representation''. Journal
of Algebra 332, pp. 159-186 (2011).

Asst. Prof. Türker Özsarı
Deparment of Mathematics
Doğuş University
Kadıköy, İstanbul
Phone: +902165445555/1688
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