[Turkmath:7942] MSGSÜ General Seminar, by Arnaldo Garcia and Departmental Seminar, by Gönenç Onay

KIVANÇ ERSOY ersoykivanc at gmail.com
11 Eki 2011 Sal 12:45:45 EEST

Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University

Department of Mathematics

General Seminar

* *


*                 On explicit towers over finite fields*
* *

          The construction of towers of function fields over finite fields
has attracted much attention after Ihara showed that the so-called
Hasse-Weil bound (which is equivalent to the validity of the Riemann
Hypothesis in this context)  was weak when the genus of the function
field is much bigger than the cardinality of the finite field. Very little
was known on the asymptotic behaviour of the ratios
of (number of rational places) over (genus), except for finite fields
of square or cubic cardinalities.
          The main point of this talk is to introduce a tower with excellent
asymptotic behaviour over any nonprime finite field. This is work in
progress with Bassa, Beelen and Stichtenoth.

                  The speaker's visit to Turkey is supported by TÜBİTAK.

* *
*Place :*  MSGSÜ Faculty of Science and Arts  (Bomonti)

*Date   :*  October 13th, 2011 Thursday, 16:00

You can find the directions to Bomonti campus in the following link:



You can also attend our departmental seminar, which will be given by Gönenç
Onay, in Bomonti, at 14:30.

Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University

Department of Mathematics

Departmental Seminar

* *

                                                               Gönenç Onay

*                   Minimalities in Model Theory*
*Place :*  MSGSÜ Faculty of Science and Arts (Bomonti)

*Date   :*  October 13th, 2011 Thursday, 14:30
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