[Turkmath:8319] Istanbul Bilgi University Departmental Seminar April 20
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osgeklm at hotmail.com
16 Nis 2012 Pzt 22:48:25 EEST
Dear All,
Haluk Sengun (University of Warwick) will give a talk at our
departmental seminar on Friday (April 20) at 16:00 in the room D-135.
The title and abstract below.
Title: Cohomology of Bianchi Groups
Abstract: Bianchi groups are groups of the form SL(2,R) where R is the
ring of integers of an imaginary quadratic field.
They arise naturally in the study of hyperbolic 3-manifolds and of certain
generalizations of the classical modular forms (called Bianchi modular
forms) for which they assume the role of the classical modular group
In this latter sense, the study of Bianchi groups is fundamental for
developing Langlands' programme for GL(2) beyond totally real fields.
The overall goal of this talk is to give the audience an overview of some
of the fundamental problems in the arithmetic aspects of the theory of
Bianchi groups. After giving the necessary background, I will start with a
discussion of the problem of understanding the behavior of the dimensions
of the cohomology of Bianchi groups and their congruence subgroups.
Next, I will focus on the amount of the torsion that one encounters in the
cohomology . Finally, I will discuss the arithmetic significance of these
torsion classes.
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