[Turkmath:8724] Odtü Genel Semineri (Matthias Kreck) - Düzeltme
Omer Kucuksakalli
komer at metu.edu.tr
27 Ara 2012 Per 12:43:33 EET
Tekrar merhabalar,
Daha önceki mailimde bütün günleri Çarşamba olarak yazmışım.
Düzeltilmiş hali aşağıdaki gibidir.
- Çarşamba günkü seminer genel izleyici icin olacaktır.
- Perşembe ve Cuma günkü konuşmalar ise daha detaylı olacaktır.
İyi çalışmalar, Ömer
----- Forwarded message from komer at metu.edu.tr -----
Subject: Odtü Genel Semineri (Matthias Kreck)
To: turkmath at listweb.bilkent.edu.tr
Herkese merhaba,
2,3 ve 4 Ocak tarihlerinde Bonn Üniversitesi'nden Matthias Kreck 3
tane seminer verecektir. Genel izleyici için olacak ilk konuşmanın
bilgileri aşağıdaki gibidir:
2 Ocak Çarşamba, 15:40
Gündüz İkeda Seminar Odası
ODTÜ Matematik Bölümü
Codes, Arithmetics and Manifolds: In the first lecture addressing a
general audience I will quickly introduce error correcting codes.
Mathematically they look completely uninteresting at the first glance
(although very useful). That they are in contrast very interesting
will follow from their relation to unimodular lattices, which will be
discussed in the second part of the first lecture. At the end
Omer Kucuksakalli
Department of Mathematics
Middle East Technical University
Phone: +90 (312) 210 5397
Homepage: http://www.metu.edu.tr/~komer/ I will very briefly indicate
a relation between manifolds and codes and explain a new construction
of self dual codes motivated from topology.
İkinci ve üçüncü konuşmanın olacağı yerler ve içerikleri ise şöyledir:
3 Ocak Perşembe, 15:40
Gündüz İkeda Seminar Odası
ODTÜ Matematik Bölümü
4 Ocak Cuma, 15:40
ODTÜ Uygulamalı Matematik Enstitüsü
I have not yet decided in which order I will present the content of
the following lectures. But the following will be explained.
- The details of the construction of codes from manifolds.
- The details of the proof of the theorem concerning the realization
of self dual codes by manifolds.
- The formulation and proof of a result which characterizes those
3-manifolds which lead to doubly even codes.
- The realization problem for arbitrary codes and the proof of partial
- The relation of the construction of codes to equivariant cohomology.
- A short report about a result by Manin about the distribution of
codes and - based on this - a speculative discussion about
"exceptional manifolds".
İlgilenen herkesi bekleriz.
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