[Turkmath:8169] MSGSÜ General Seminar, by Sibel Özkan

Safak Ozden bildiginessek at gmail.com
15 Şub 2012 Çar 13:47:23 EET

Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University

Department of Mathematics

 *General * *Seminar*

*Sibel Özkan

**On Graph Factorizations: **
**Hamilton Cycle Decompositions and the Hamilton-Waterloo Problem.**

 This lecture is in the field of graph theory and will serve as an
introduction to resolvable graph decompositions; graph factorizations.
Methods, applications, and different types of graph decompositions,
particularly cycle decompositions, will be discussed. Hamilton cycles are
particularly popular in the field, and this popularity rises from
optimization problems. Main focus of the talk will be on Hamilton cycle
decompositions and a relatively new method based on graph homomorphisms and
edge-coloring will be introduced.  Other types of interesting cycle
decomposition problems, namely Oberwolfach Problem and the
Hamilton-Waterloo problem, will also be introduced and new results on those
problems will be discussed.

 *Place :*  MSGSÜ Faculty of Science and Arts (Bomonti)

 *Date   :*  February 17th,  2012 Friday, 16:00

 You can find the directions to Bomonti campus in the following link:

* *
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