[Turkmath:8488] Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Matematik Bolumu seminerleri

halil.oruc at deu.edu.tr halil.oruc at deu.edu.tr
10 Tem 2012 Sal 15:25:48 EEST

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Matematik Bölümünü TÜBİTAK
desteğiyle ziyaret etmekte olan Rice Üniversitesi (Texas, ABD)nden Prof.
Ron Goldman Geometrik Modelleme konulu 11, 17, 19 Temmuz saat 11 de  3
adet seminer verecektir.

Yer: DEÜ, Tınaztepe Kampüsü, Fen Fakültesi, Matematik Bölümü, B Blok, Ömer
Köse Salonu, Buca, İzmir.

Halil Oruç (halil.oruc at deu.edu.tr Tel: 232.3018577)

Prof.  Ron Goldman,
Rice University, Department of
Computer Science, Texas, USA

1. 11 Temmuz 2012, Saat:11:00

Title: How did CAGD develop?
Short abstract: The history of development of CAGD, basic of curves and
surfaces design and my research in FORD company.

2. 17 July 2012, Saat:11:00
Title: Techniques in Geometric Modeling
Short abstract: Subdivision and blossoming techniques in geometric modeling.

3. 19 July 2012, Saat:11:00
Title: q-Bézier Curves and q-B-splines (quantum)
Short abstract:  Using the q-blossom, we develop several new identities
including an explicit formula representing the monomials in terms of the
q-Bernstein basis functions and a q-variant of Marsden’s identity. We
study quantum B-spline bases and quantum B-spline curves.

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