[Turkmath:8235] SU General Seminar, Wilfried Meidl, 20.03.2012

Alp Bassa bassa at sabanciuniv.edu
14 Mar 2012 Çar 23:06:01 EET

*Sabanci University General Seminar*


*Speaker:* Wilfried Meidl (Sabanci University)

*Date/Time:* 20 March 2012, Tuesday, 11:00

*Place:* Sabanci University, FENS 2008

*Title:* *Bent functions and their duals*

*Abstract:* Boolean functions or more general functions from $\F_p^n$ to
$\F_p$ with highest nonlinearity are called bent. Most of the known bent
functions belong to the class of weakly regular bent functions, which
always appear in pairs and are called dual to each other. However, given
a bent function, it is in general not easy to explicitly describe its
dual. In this talk I review some earlier work on a powerful construction
method of bent functions, and I present some recent results on the duals of
the bent functions obtained by this construction.

Tea, coffee and cookies will be served in FENS 2008 from 10:30.

For information on how to reach Sabanci University, please see

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