[Turkmath:8361] 11th Week Seminar ----- "Analysis and Applied Mathematics Seminar Series (Spring 2012) "

Yaşar SÖZEN ysozen at fatih.edu.tr
3 Mayıs 2012 Per 08:30:53 EEST



Değerli Liste Üyeleri, 


"Analysis and Applied Mathematics Seminar Series (Spring 2012) "  başlıklı 

seminer serisinin onbirinci  hafta bilgileri aşağıda verilmiştir. 

İlgili herkesi bu seminere davet ediyoruz.  



Dear All, 


Please find below the information about the eleventh week of

 "Analysis and Applied Mathematics Seminar Series (Spring 2012) ".   

You are cordially invited to attend this seminar. 


Please  visit    <http://www.fatih.edu.tr/?ulasimbuyukcekmece>

for transport information. 


Sincerely Yours, 


Doç. Dr. Yaşar SÖZEN

Fatih University, Department of  Mathematics

Büyükçekmece, İstanbul





Date: Monday, May 07, 2012 

Time: 17:00-19:00 

Place: B-204, Fatih University, İstanbul. 



I.             The Education Program                    

Speaker: Undergraduate Student Gökçe Tuba MASUR,  Fatih University

            Title:  Infinite Matrices



II.           The Research Program 

Invited Speaker: Assist. Prof. Dr. Deniz AĞIRSEVEN, Trakya University,



Title:  Approximation of Delay Parabolic Equations







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