[Turkmath:8377] Galatasaray Üniversitesi Semineri 15 Mayıs (Salı) Murat Turhan

Susumu Tanabe tanabesusumu at hotmail.com
10 Mayıs 2012 Per 21:53:34 EEST

Değerli Liste Üyeleri;
 Galatasaray Üniversitesi Matematik Bölümü Seminerleri kapsamında 15 Mayıs (Salı) günü Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Murat Turhan konuşmacı olacaktır. Konuşma ile ilgili detaylı bilgi aşağıdadır:
     Susumu Tanabé
Gün: 15 Mayıs (Salı) 16:00 
Yer: Galatasaray Üniversitesi FEF 10.
 konuşmacı: Murat Turhan  
başlık: Hirota type discretization
 özet :  "The integrable discretizations of the problems in rigid body dynamics are a vast undeveloped area of study. Certainly, the most famous ones are the three integrable cases of the rotation of a heavy rigid body around a fixed point in a homogeneous gravity field, named after Euler, Lagrange and Kowalevski. Recent studies for the  integrable discrete systems show us the conspicuous relationships in unrelated areas of research such as numerical algorithms, discrete geometry, cellular automaton, quantum integrable systems and algebraic geometry tools. One of these studies, Bobenko and Suris, use  Poisson construction of discretizations which gives implicit equations of motion. In this talk, we give a very different discretization method, called Hirota type discretization, using the bilinear transformation method and obtain explicit equations of motion. We give Hirota discretization of the motion of a rigid body with a fixed center of mass named Euler Top."
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