[Turkmath:8421] Fwd: DGDS-2012 * First Announcement.

Cenap Özel ozel_c at ibu.edu.tr
27 Mayıs 2012 Paz 14:02:13 EEST

----- İletilen Mesaj -----
Kimden: "vladimir balan" <vladimir.balan at upb.ro>
Kime: dept at mathem.pub.ro
Gönderilenler: 27 Mayıs Pazar 2012 3:25:46
Konu: DGDS-2012 * First Announcement.

   Dear Professor,

   This year the Faculty of Applied Sciences of University Politehnica  
of Bucharest and
       Balkan Society of Geometers organize between 29 August - 2  
September 2012,
   in the city Mangalia (located on the Black Seaside), Romania, the  
scientific event

    The 6-th International Conference of Differential Geometry and  
Dynamical Systems

             We have the pleasure to invite you to attend our conference!
         Please find the conference data and registration form appended below.

    The pre-registration deadline is July 1, 2012.
    The DGDS-2012 Conference contact address is:     dept at mathem.pub.ro
    The DGDS-2012 Conference webdata is located at:  www.mathem.pub.ro

    We are looking forward to meeting you at the conference.

    On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
    Prof.Dr. Vladimir Balan.

    University Politehnica of Bucharest
    Faculty of Applied Sciences,
    Department of Mathematics-Informatics,
    Splaiul Independentei 313,
    RO-060042, Bucharest, Romania.

P.S.  In case that you have colleagues interested in taking part to DGDS-2012,
       please convey to them our cordial invitation.


DGDS-2012 * First Announcement.

   We have the pleasure to invite you to attend:

   "The International Conference of Differential Geometry and  
Dynamical Systems"

                          which will take place during

                 29 August - 2 September 2012, in Mangalia, Romania

   This conference offers to researchers and university faculty  
members from all around the world the opportunity to meet with  
colleagues, share new research advances and ideas in the area of  
differential geometry, dynamical systems, optimization, mathematics in  
engineering and numerical physics, and set up new collaborations and  
research projects. Graduate students and postdocs interested in these  
rapidly developing fields are warmly welcome.

   Institutional  organizers:

    - Romanian Academy  (Institute of Mathematics, Institute of Solid  
    - Academy of  Romanian Scientists,
    - University of Bucharest - Faculty of Mathematics,
    - University Politehnica of  Bucharest - Faculty of Applied Sciences,
    - Technical University of Civil Engineering - Bucharest,
    - Balkan Society of Geometers,
    - Romanian Simulation Society,
    - Romanian Fulbright Alumni Association.


  Scientific and Organizing Committee:

  Fernando Vericat (Ar), Aleksandr Galmak (Be), Ivailo Mladenov,  
Stancho Dimiev (Bg), Bang-Yen Chen (Cn), Olga Krupkova (Cz), Francisc  
Klepp, Vladimir Matveev (De), Maido Rahula (Ee), Nabil Youssef (Eg),  
Antonio Alarcon Lopez, Manuel de Leon, Pedro Martinez Gadea (Es),  
Athanase Papadopoulos, Eric Loubeau, Remi Leandre (Fr), Andreas  
Arvanitoyeorgos, John Rassias, Nikos Mastorakis, Panayiotis Stavrinos,  
Philippos Xenos (Gr), Bacso Sandor, Janos Szenthe, Laszlo Kozma, Tran  
Quoc Binh (Hu), Izu Vaisman (Il), Arindam Bhattacharyya, Chayan Kumar  
Mishra, Himadri Pai Majumdar, Mukut Mani Tripathi, Uday Chad De (In),  
Abolfazl Taleshian, Behroz Bidabad, Mohammad Reza  Pahlavani (Ir),  
Carlo Cattani, Dario Bini, Davide La Torre, Domenico Perrone, Luca  
Guerrini, Maria Teresa Calapso, Massimiliano Ferrara, Vicenzo Ciancio  
(It), Ganesh Pokhariyal (Ke), Kostadin Trencevski (Mk), Eugen  
Grebenicov, Jacek Gancarzewicz, Piotr Mormul (Pl), Delfim Torres (Pt),  
Dmitry Pavlov, George Bogoslovsky, Iskander Taimanov, Joseph  
Krasilshchik, Viktor Panchelyuga, Vladimir Chernov (Ru), Cihan Ozgur,  
Murat Tosun (Tr), Graham Hall (UK), David Bao, Jose Vargas, Ruggero  
Maria Santilli (US).
  Adrian Constantinescu, Constantin Udriste (chair), Constantin  
Tarcolea, Constantin Varsan, Dorel Zugravescu, Dorin Andrica, Dumitru  
Opris, Emil Stoica, Florin Munteanu, Gabriel Teodor Pripoae  
(co-chair), Gheorghe Atanasiu, Gheorghe Munteanu, Gheorghe Zet, Ilie  
Burdujan, Ion Doru Albu, Marius Paun, Marius Radulescu, Mihai  
Anastasiei, Mircea Craioveanu, Mircea Olteanu, Mirela Stefanescu, Paul  
Popescu, Stefan Mititelu, Tudor Sireteanu, Valeriu Prepelita, Vasile  
Iftode, Veturia Chiroiu, Virgil Obadeanu, Vladimir Balan (co-chair),  
Wladimir Georges Boskoff.

  Secretaries: Ariana Pitea, Cristina-Stefania Stamin, Laura Gabriela Matei.


   The Program of the Conference will consist of communications and  
poster contributions falling within the topics:

    - Applications of Riemannian and Finsler-Lagrange-Hamilton structures;
    - Dynamical systems and jet space theory;
    - Multi-time evolution and optimal control problems;
    - Mathematical models in Physics and in Engineering;
    - Magnetic dynamical systems and antennas theory;
    - Mathematical statistics;
    - Chaos and fractals;
    - Teaching, learning and evaluation.

  Important timing data:

- July 1 - deadline for preliminary registration.
- August 15 - deadline for final registration and for submission of abstracts.
- August 29 - arrival day
- August 30 - first conference day (a.m. - registration and festive opening)
- September 2 - last conference day
- September 2-3 - departure days
- November 30 - last day for submitting the PDF files of the talks.

    For further details, please check the Conference web-page www.mathem.pub.ro

   Financiar data:
   Participation fee: 	60 EU.
   Accompanying person: 	30 EU.

   Proceedings Volume: 	60 EU.
   Welcome party:	50 EU.
   Farewell party:	50 EU.

   BSG Membership: 	30 EU/year.

   3-Star Hotels   -   starting with 40 EU / night * for details  
please contact Prof.dr. C. Udriste.

   Conference web-page:  www.mathem.pub.ro
   Conference contact  e-mail  addresses and telephone numbers:
   * for accomodation and financiar details:
	Prof.Dr. Constantin Udriste	<udriste at mathem.pub.ro>	* Tel: +40.745.371.784
   * for registration, programme and publication issues:
	Prof.Dr. Vladimir Balan	<vladimir.balan at upb.ro>	* Tel: +40.726.432.286
   Conference languages:  English and French.
   Presentation/publication of papers
   The Scientific Committee will select the works which may be  
communicated and published. The Organizing Committee has the right to  
reject any work which exhibits an inappropriate scientific or  
linguistic level.  The papers should be submitted in English. The  
authors should obey the standard copyright regulations and are  
responsible for the scientific and linguistic accuracy of the text.  
For detailed information please check the conference website     
www.mathem.pub.ro   and the rules which apply for the four journals:  

   The works of the conference will be included after a refereing  
selection  in the journals:
   - BJGA	(please check	www.mathem.pub.ro/bjga )  -  hardcopy and  
electronic (ISI);
   - APPS 	(please check	www.mathem.pub.ro/apps )  -  electronic 	(CNCSIS B+);
   - DGDS 	(please check	www.mathem.pub.ro/dgds )  -  electronic 	(CNCSIS B+);
   - BSGP 	(please check	www.mathem.pub.ro/proc )  -  hardcopy and  
electronic, proceedings volume edited by Geometry Balkan Press * ISI  
   - electronic monographs of the journals APPS  or   DGDS (book chapters).


   	               "The International Conference
           Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems DGDS-2012"
              29 August - 2 September 2012, Mangalia, Romania

		          Pre-Registration Form

      = to be sent before July 1, 2012 by email to: dept at mathem.pub.ro =

Family name:
First name:

Zip code&State:

I will submit a contribution: Y/N
	Type: lecture (25')/ communication (15')/ poster
	Presentation sevices: overhead projector/PC/blackboard

	Title (tentative):
  	Short abstract:

I'll be accompanied by (full name):
I would reserve my own lodging: Y/N
I would like to be accomodated on campus: Y/N
	Accommodation preferences:
	student hostel (y/n):
	shared with (optional):

I'll order the Volume of papers: Y/N
I'll attend the banquet: Y/N

Comments, special requests:

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