[Turkmath:8425] Reminder: Istanbul Number Theory Meeting 2 (ISTB-2)

Kazim Buyukboduk kbuyukboduk at ku.edu.tr
29 Mayıs 2012 Sal 12:05:37 EEST

Dear Colleagues,

This is a reminder for the "2nd Istanbul Number Theory Meeting" coming
up this weekend (June 2nd, Saturday at 10am. Below is the previous
message I had sent out, where you may find all relevant info.

We heartily thank everyone who showed up in our very first meeting of
ISTB in April and IMBM for hosting us. The second of Istanbul Number
Theory meeting will take place on June 2nd, 2012, Saturday, this time
in Galatasaray University. Please do mark your calendars; we hope to
see even more number of colleagues on that day!

It will be a day long meeting (kick-off: 10am) with 4 speakers: Serdar
Kazancioglu (Yeditepe), Erol Serbest (Yeditepe), Sevan Bedikyan
(MSGSU) and K. Ilhan Ikeda (Yeditepe). We thank them all for kindly
agreeing to give talks. The full program is attached to this message
and also will be posted on our website shortly:

The title of the program is "Recent trends in Algebraic Number
Theory". The talks aim to develop a non-abelian class field theory,
both reviewing class field theory (which describes the maximal abelian
quotient of the absolute Galois group) and reporting on the recent
works of the speakers -- main feature being the correct definition of
a non-abelian reciprocity map. Serdar Kazancioglu will introduce
Fontaine and Wintenberger's field of norms, which turns out to be a
crucial construction for the non-abelian local reciprocity map; as
will be explained Erol Serbest. The local maps will be patched
together by K. Ilhan Ikeda to give rise to a global reciprocity map.
Before that, Sevan Bedikyan will review global class field theory and
explain how it provides us with a satisfactory description of the
absolute Galois group.

Here is the plan of the day:

TITLE: Recent trends in Algebraic Number Theory
DATE: June 2nd, 2012
PLACE: Room FEF 9, Department of Mathematics, Galatasaray University


10:00-11:00: Serdar Kazancıoğlu (Yeditepe): Fontaine-Wintenberger
Theory of Fields of Norms
A brief review of local fields--Ramification
theory--APF-extensions--Fontaine-Wintenberger fields of norms

11:15-12:15: Erol Serbest (Yeditepe): Non-abelian local reciprocity map

14:15-15:15: Sevan Bedikyan (M.S.G.S.Ü.): Global Fields and Global
Class Field Theory
A brief review of global fields--Adele rings and idele
groups--Statements of global class field theory

15:30-16:30: K. İlhan İkeda (Yeditepe): Non-abelian global reciprocity map

All are cordially invited to join us!

Best regards,

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