[Turkmath:8427] İstanbul Analysis Seminars

Mert Çağlar m.caglar at iku.edu.tr
30 Mayıs 2012 Çar 13:25:22 EEST

Dear all,

Enclosed are the abstracts of the talks to be given this Friday in İstanbul Analysis Seminars.

Speaker: Ahmet BATAL, Sabancı University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Title: Characterization of potential smoothness of the Hill operator and Riesz basis property in terms of periodic, antiperiodic and Neumann spectra
Date: June 1, 2012
Time: 15:40
Place: Sabancı University, Karaköy Communication Center, Bankalar Caddesi 2, Karaköy 34420, İstanbul


Speaker: Yunus ZEYTUNCU, Texas A&M University, Department of Mathematics
Title: [cid:image001.png at 01CD3E67.AA447860] -regularity of the Bergman projection
Date: June 1, 2012
Time: 17:00
Place: Sabancı University, Karaköy Communication Center, Bankalar Caddesi 2, Karaköy 34420, İstanbul

Kindest regards,

Mert Çağlar

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