[Turkmath:8632] Atılım University General Seminer (14 Kasım)

Cansu Betin cbetin at atilim.edu.tr
12 Kas 2012 Pzt 13:44:03 EET

Dear all,
You are cordially invited to general seminar series organized by Department
of Mathematics, Atilim University.

The speaker is Aslı Güçlükan İlhan
from Bilkent University, Department of Mathematics.

Title:  Equivariant fibrations and finite group actions on products of

Date:  November 14, 2012
Time:  15:45
Place: FEF 404 - Seminar Room
Details can be found in the attachment.

Dr. Cansu Betin,
Atılım University,
Department of Mathematics,
Kızılcaşar Köyü, 06836, İncek,
Ankara -TURKEY
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