[Turkmath:8647] MSGSÜ Genel Seminerleri (23 Kasım)

Ayse Berkman ayseberkman at gmail.com
19 Kas 2012 Pzt 10:05:46 EET

Sayın turkmath Listesi Üyeleri,

Bu hafta bölümümüzde iki genel seminer olacaktır. İlgilenen herkesi

Görüşmek dileği ile selamlar,
Ayşe Berkman

MSGSÜ Matematik Bölümü Genel Seminerleri

23 Kasım 2012 Cuma

14.30 "On the Asymptotic Theory of Towers of Function Fields over Finite
Fields", Seher Tutdere (ODTÜ - UME)

Abstract: Ektedir

16.00 "Variations on a theme by Aldama", Cédric Milliet (Galatasaray

Abstract: Let G be a group, and f(x,y) a formula in the language of groups.
We say that f(x,y) has the independence property if for all natural number
n, we can find elements a0,a1,...,an and (b_I)_{I\subset n+1} in G such
that f(a_i,b_I) holds if and only if i\in I. The group G is said to be
'without the independence property' if no formula has the independence
property. Such groups are gaining much attention nowadays. We shall review
recent results of Shelah and Aldama concerning infinite abelian and
nilpotent subgroups of a group G without the independence property, and
address the following open question : is a soluble subgroup S of G
contained in a soluble definable subgroup of  G?

Tüm konuşmalar, Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi Matematik Bölümü Seminer Odası'nda

Harita: http://math.msgsu.edu.tr/iletisim.html
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