[Turkmath:8663] Istanbul Ayrik Matematik Toplantilari Kasim ayi Seminer Duyurusu
Turker Biyikoglu
tbiyikoglu at gmail.com
26 Kas 2012 Pzt 13:58:48 EET
Istanbul Ayrik Matematik Toplantilari Seminer Duyurusu
Degerli Matematikciler,
Istanbul Ayrik Matematik Toplantilarinin calistay sonrasi ilk topllantisi
herzaman oldugu gibi Istanbul Matematiksel Bilimler Merkezinin (IMBM) cok
guzel binasinda olucak.
*Istisnai* olarak bu toplanti 28 Kasim* Carsamba* gunu saat *15:00* de
Bernard Ries (Universite Paris Dauphine, LAMSADE, France) "Why Some
Vertices/Edges Are More Important Than Others" baslikli bir konusma
Konusma konusuyla ilgili detaylari asagida ve ekteki ilanda gorebilirsiniz.
Seminer oncesi, saat 14.30'dan itibaren cay-kahve ve kurabiye servisi
olacaktir. Konusmaya herkes davetlidir.
Turker Biyikoglu Tinaz Ekim-Asici
I M B M istanbul center for mathematical sciences
Istanbul Discrete Mathematics Meetings
Why Some Vertices/Edges Are More Important Than Others
Bernard Ries
Universite Paris Dauphine, LAMSADE
Problems of safety and reliability occur in many practical contexts and
formulations of such issues have opened the way to possible treatments by
mathematical optimization procedures. It is in particular the case in
situations where a
complex system has to be protected against attacks and for this purpose one
have to identify the “most important” elements of the system. To be
concrete, assume
we have a finite system S (collection of components) which can be operated
in different ways. Each operating mode s is characterized by the subsets of
it uses. In order to find the most important components of S we may want to
identify a smallest possible subset T of components in S which is such that
operating mode s has at least d components in T . In this talk, I will
present results
concerning several cases where S is a (weighted) graph and each operating
mode s
is associated with a combinatorial structure like for instance a matching,
or a stable
set, or a vertex cover, etc..
Date : *Wednesday*, November 28, 2012
Time : *15:00*
Place: IMBM Seminar Room, Bogazici University South Campus
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