[Turkmath:9134] PhD position
Muhammed Uludag
muhammed.uludag at gmail.com
19 Haz 2013 Çar 19:19:07 EEST
İlgililere duyurursanız memnun olurum.
Dear all,
We have some open PhD positions in the group of Algebra, Geometry, and
Mathematical Physics at the University of Amsterdam.
The proposed research will be in the area of interaction algebraic geometry
and mathematical physics, more precisely, the relations of various
questions on topology of the moduli space of curves and its relatives, on
the one side, and integrable hierarchies, combinatorics of the symmetric
group, matrix models, and homotopical algebra, on the other side.
The candidate is expected to have a (nearly completed) MSc degree in
mathematics or mathematical physics, with a strong background in geometry,
broadly interpreted.
The deadline for applications is July 31, 2013.
Here is a reference to a formal description:
Could you please forward this information to interested students?
Best regards,
Sergey Shadrin
Prof. dr. S. V. (Sergey) Shadrin
Korteweg-de Vries Instituut voor Wiskunde
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Postadres: Postbus 94248, 1090 GE AMSTERDAM
Bezoekadres: kamer C3.112, Science Park 904
Tel.: +31 20 525 5296
E-mailadres: S.Shadrin at uva.nl
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