[Turkmath:8838] Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi'nde Matematik Seminerleri

Ayhan Gunaydin ayhan.gunaydin at msgsu.edu.tr
13 Mar 2013 Çar 11:43:58 EET

Değerli liste üyeleri,

Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi'ndeki, Matematik Semineri'nde bu
hafta Salih Durhan (ODTÜ - Kıbrıs) konuşuyor. Detaylar aşağıda.

İyi çalışmalar,

Konuşmacı: Salih Durhan (ODTÜ - Kıbrıs)

Başlık: Temporal logic over future branching models of time

Özet: Allen's work on the first order logic of time intervals over linear
orders has been developed vastly over the last 30 years and it is still
most common setting in which temporal logic is studied both in theoretical
computer science and in applications to artificial intelligence. One of the
directions to enhance Allen's temporal logic is to consider time intervals
over partial orders instead of linear orders. There has been various
attempts in this direction, but none of them provides an axiomatization of
the logic of time intervals over partial orders. In collaboration with W.
Conradie and G. Sciavicco, we came up with the appropriate theoretical
results which may be used as the basis of algorithmic temporal reasoning
over future branching models of time.

Yer: MSGSÜ, Bomonti Kampüsü (Harita <http://math.msgsu.edu.tr/iletisim.html>),
Matematik Bölümü Seminer Odası.

Zaman: 15 Mart, Cuma, 16:00

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