[Turkmath:8851] Topological Dynamics and Model Theory

David Pierce dpierce at msgsu.edu.tr
18 Mar 2013 Pzt 15:40:54 EET

Herkese merhaba // hello everybody,

In early April, Ludomir Newelski (Instytut Matematyczny, Universytet Wrocławski) will visit Istanbul and give a series of lectures on topological dynamics and model theory.  Details will be sent later.

Meanwhile, this Thursday (March 21), at 16:00, in the mathematics department of Mimar Sinan G.S.Ü, Piotr Kowalski (Universytet Wrocławski and Istanbul Bilgi University) will give a preparatory talk for Newelski's lectures:  

"My plan is to recall the following notions: complete types and their Stone topology, Cantor-Bendixson rank, (local) Morley rank, forking in stable theories, stable groups and their generic types."

All interested are welcome.


David Pierce

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