[Turkmath:8981] güncelleme: George Andrews'in İstanbul ziyareti (17-18 Mayıs) / update: George Andrews visiting İstanbul (May 17-18)

Kağan Kurşungöz kursungoz at sabanciuniv.edu
2 Mayıs 2013 Per 10:39:58 EEST

     Değerli Matematikçiler,

     Amerikan Matematik Topluluğu (AMS) eski başkanı ve ABD Ulusal 
Bilimler Akademisi Üyesi George Andrews (Pensilvanya Eyalet Üniv.) 
detayları aşağıda verilen iki konuşma yapmak üzere 17-18 Mayıs'ta 
İstanbul'da olacak.  Andrews q-serileri, tamsayı parçalanışları ve 
Ramanujan'ın matematiği üzerine çalışmaktadır.  Alanında ihtimal ki 
dünyanın en ileri gelen araştırmacısıdır.

     Dileyenler ile 17 Mayıs Cuma akşam yemeğe gidilecek (Hamdi 
Restoran, kişi başı 65 TL + içki, sayı sınırlıdır, lütfen aşağıdaki 
detaylara bakınız). Seminerlere (özellikle ikincisine) öğrenciler de 
davetlidir. Öğrencilerinize de bu duyuruyu ulaştırabilirseniz vaktiniz 
için teşekkürler.

     Dear Mathematicians,

     George Andrews (Penn State), previous president of the AMS and 
member of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S., will be visiting 
İstanbul on May 17-18 to give two talks.  Details are below.  Andrews 
works on q-series, integer partitions and Ramanujan's mathematics.  He 
is arguably the most prominent researcher in the area.

     After May 17 Friday's talk, we will go to dinner together with 
those who wish (Hamdi Restaurant, 65 TL + drinks per person, limited 
space, please see below for details). Students are most welcome to the 
seminars, especially to the latter one.  Thanks in advance for your time 
if you could forward this message to your students.

     Kağan Kurşungöz

Tarih (Date): Mayıs (May) 17 Cuma (Friday)

Zaman (Time): 16:00-17:00 (4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

Yer (Loc'n): Sabancı Üniv. Karaköy İletişim Merkezi Giriş katı
     (Sabancı Univ. Karaköy Communication Center Ground Floor)

Başlık (Title): Ramanujan at 125

Özet (Abstract): Last year, 2012, was the 125th anniversary of Srinivasa
Ramanujan's birth. In his short career, he had a profound impact on much
of the research in number theory that was to follow in the coming
century.  This talk will begin with an account of the discovery of
Ramanujan's Lost Notebook in 1976 which provided a number of surprises.
Writing in 1919-1920, Ramanujan anticipated (and, in fact, had gone beyond)
many results found by others in the last half of the 20th century. I
shall discuss a number of his discoveries related to continued fractions,
partitions, and other number-theoretic topics.  I will conclude with a
couple of stories about associated TV and film projects that arose because
of this discovery.

Mayıs 17 Cuma Akşam Yemeği (Dinner on May 17th Friday Evening), Hamdi 
Restoran (http://www.hamdi.com.tr/),

kişi başı 65 TL + içki (65 TL + drinks per person)

Sayı maalesef sınırlıdır, önceden mesaj atmadıysanız lütfen 9 Mayıs 
Perşembe'ye kadar e-mail atınız: kursungoz at sabanciuniv.edu.

Please e-mail kursungoz at sabanciuniv.edu until May 9 Thursday, if you 
have not done so.  The number of participants is unfortunately limited.

Tarih (Date): Mayıs (May) 18 Cumartesi (Saturday)

Zaman (Time): 13:00-14:00 (1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.)

Yer (Loc'n): Sabancı Üniv. Karaköy İletişim Merkezi Giriş katı
     (Sabancı Univ. Karaköy Communication Center Ground Floor)

Başlık (Title): Partitions, Compositions, and the Excitement of Ramanujan

Özet (Abstract): The theory of partitions concerns the representation of
         integers as distinct sums of integers.  For example, the
         five partitions of 4 are 4, 3 + 1, 2 + 2, 2 + 1 + 1,
         1 + 1 + 1 + 1.

           Compositions take order into account.  Thus there are 8
         compositions of 4, namely 4, 3 + 1, 1 + 3, 2 + 2, 2 + 1 + 1,
         1 + 2 + 1, 1 + 1 + 2, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1.  Although seemingly more
         complicated, compositions are much easier to study as we
         shall see.

            Euler was the first to study partitions seriously, and
         many of his discoveries are still fundamental in the subject.
         In this talk we introduce the basic ideas of partitions and
         compositions.  We limit the necessary background to arithmetic
         and a little algebra.

            The talk begins with an account of compositions.  The ideas
         turn out to be easily understood, and the scope of the subject
         is easily comprehended.  We then turn to partitions, the subject
         that the Indian genius Ramanujan revolutionized.  We note several
         themes from Ramanujan's work suggested by our study of 
         In each instance, we gain some appreciation of the depth and
         surprise of Ramanujan's insights.

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