[Turkmath:9040] Nigel Bishop'un ziyareti
Nihat Gokhan Gogus
nggogus at sabanciuniv.edu
29 Mayıs 2013 Çar 16:00:26 EEST
Sayın liste üyeleri,
Nigel Bishop'un ziyareti ile ilgili bilgiyi iletmem rica edildi. Nigel
Bishop matematikçi, astrofizik uygulamaları olan alanda çalışıyor.
Dear all,
Prof. Nigel Bishop from Rhodes University (South Africa) is currently
visiting Sabancı University. He kindly agreed to offer a short course on
gravitational radiation (see below for its content). There will be two
lecture on 30 and 31 May between 10:30 - 12:00 at MDBF 2008.
All interested are welcome to join.
Ersin Gogus
Duration: Total of about 3 hours, on 30 and 31 May
Background needed: No prior knowledge of gravitational radiation will be
assumed, but participants should have taken an introductory course on
general relativity.
Content: Linearized Einstein field equations, and plane wave solutions. The
TT gauge. The Bondi-Sachs radiating metric. Energy transported to infinity
by gravitational waves.The quadrupole formula. Form of the gravitational
radiating field generated by an orbiting binary. Evolution of the wave
signal of a binary. Other possible sources of gravitational radiation -
supernovas, cosmological etc.
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