[Turkmath:9334] GYTE Weekly Seminars
i.yaman at gyte.edu.tr
15 Kas 2013 Cum 10:31:57 EET
Sayin liste uyeleri,
GYTE Matematik haftalık seminerler kapsamında, Aslı Güçlükan İlhan (Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü)
20 Kasım 2013, saat 14.00'da " Obstruction theory for equivariant fibrations" başlıklı bir seminer verecektir.
Seminerin detaylari ekte (ve aşağıda) olup tüm ilgilenenler davetlidir.
İyi çalışmalar.
İrem Yaman
Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü
Matematik bölümü
Dear all,
Gebze Institute of Technology (GYTE) Mathematics department continues its weekly seminars
on November 20th, 2013, at 14.00h with Aslı Güçlükan İlhan from Gebze Institute of Technology.
Her talk is entitled "Obstruction theory for equivariant fibrations".
Everyone who is interested is cordially invited.
Please find attached (and below) a more detailed information.
İrem Yaman
Gebze Institute of Technology
Department of Mathematics
For a finite group $G$, we will introduce an obstruction theory for constructing $G$-equivariant fibrations. Equivariant fibrations play an important role in the construction of free group actions on finite $CW$-complexes which are homotopy equivalent to products of spheres. We also give a survey on finite group actions on products of spheres and explain how equivariant fibrations can be used to construct such actions.
GIT, Department of Mathematics, Building I, Seminar Room
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