[Turkmath:9286] General Seminar at Atilim University

Cansu Betin cbetin at atilim.edu.tr
25 Eki 2013 Cum 11:50:16 EEST

Dear all,
You are cordially invited to general seminar organized by
Department of Mathematics, Atilim University.

The speaker is Hüseyin Şirin Hüseyin
from Atilim University, Department of Mathematics

Title: Role of Spectral Theorem in Quantum Mechanics

Date:  Oct. 30,2013
Time:  15:45
Place: FEF 403 - Seminar Room

Details can be found in the attachment.

With best regards

Dr. Cansu Betin,
Atılım University,
Department of Mathematics,
Kızılcaşar Köyü, 06836, İncek,
Ankara -TURKEY
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