[Turkmath] İTÜ Matematik Seminerleri: Mehmet Sabır Kiraz - Osmanbey Uzunkol

Selçuk Kayacan kayacan.selcuk at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 08:59:17 UTC 2014

Değerli liste üyeleri,

İTÜ Matematik Mühendisliği Seminerleri kapsamında 5 Aralık, Cuma günü 
TÜBİTAK BİLGEM UEKAE'den Mehmet Sabır Kiraz saat 14:30'da ve Osmanbey 
Uzunkol saat 15:15'de konuşma yapacaklartur. Tüm ilgilenenleri bekliyoruz.

Selçuk Kayacan


Mehmet Sabır Kiraz, TÜBİTAK BİLGEM UEKAE, Mathematical and Computational 
Sciences Labs

Title: Computing on Encrypted Data: Homomorphic Encryption

Abstract: Recent technological developments have increased the number of 
mobile devices and their usage. Mobile technologies have access to large 
data centers (in the cloud). Therefore, outsourcing computation securely 
to a cloud has become a very challenging though inevitable step. 
However, it is impossible to solve this challenge with the conventional 
symmetric/asymmetric cryptographic algorithms (e.g., AES, RSA). 
(Partial/Fully) Homomorphic Encryption is one of the best candidates to 
securely outsource any computation.

In this talk, we give a survey about the homomorphic encryption 
techniques and open problems.

Osmanbey Uzunkol, TÜBİTAK BİLGEM UEKAE, Mathematical and Computational 
Sciences Labs

Title: Complex Multiplication and Cryptographic Applications

Abstract: Complex multiplication combines the three Gaussian A's 
(Algebra, Analysis and Arithmetic) by means of a beautiful interplay 
between the geometry of abelian varieties with complex multiplication 
and the arithmetic of corresponding CM number fields. It has become 
subject to algorithmic investigations with different applications to 
algorithmic algebraic number theory and cryptography ranging from 
primality proving, elliptic curve cryptography, group- and pairing-based 
cryptography to the recent privacy enhancing techniques in cloud 
computation security.

In this talk, we give a survey of algorithmic and cryptographic aspects 
of complex multiplication together with some new results and some open 

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