[Turkmath] GTÜ Genel Seminer

İpek TUVAY ituvay at gyte.edu.tr
Thu Dec 4 13:29:50 UTC 2014

Sayın liste üyeleri,

GTÜ Matematik Bölümü Genel Seminerleri kapsamında,
10 Aralık Çarşamba günü saat 14:00'da Derya Altıntan
(Selçuk Üniversitesi) bir seminer  verecektir. Seminerin
detayları aşağıda olup tüm ilgilenenler davetlidir.

İpek Tuvay & Seher Tutdere

Dear all,

There will be a seminar in Gebze Institute of Technology (GIT) on 10th of
December by Derya Altıntan (Selçuk Uni) on "Jump-Diffusion Approximation <http://sc.iam.metu.edu.tr/aigaion/index.php/publications/show/534>
of Stochastic Reaction Systems<http://sc.iam.metu.edu.tr/aigaion/index.php/publications/show/534>".

Time  and  place:  December 10, at 14:00 in Department of Mathematics,
Building I, Seminar room.


It is possible to consider biological processes as reaction systems that are formed by many
different species interacting via multiple chemical reactions. It is a well-known fact that
reaction types and also abundance of reactants in these processes cannot be classified
in one category. To be more precise, they can have fast/slow reactions and reactants
in these processes can have high/low copy-number of molecules. In other words,
these processes have multi-scale nature. There are two well-established approaches to
model the behaviour of reaction systems: deterministic approach which assumes that the
behaviours of such processes are continuous, deterministic and stochastic approach which
assumes that the behaviours of such processes are discrete, stochastic. Using only one of
these approaches fails to account for this multi-scale nature of biological processes. Therefore,
it is necessary to couple different approaches in one computational model.

We developed an efficient diffusion approximation to capture this multi-scale nature. Briefly,
in this study, we partitioned the reactions into two fast and slow groups. Then, we modelled
fast reactions with Langevin equation while slow reactions were modelled with Continuous
Time Markov Chains (CTMCs). The error bound of the model is used to construct dynamic
partitioning algorithm which takes into account the fact that types of reactions can change
during the course of time for simulation of multi-scale processes. The proposed algorithm is
applied to Michaelis Menten model and MAPK signalling pathway.

This presentation is based on the paper “Jump-diffusion approximation of stochastic reaction <http://sc.iam.metu.edu.tr/aigaion/index.php/publications/show/534>
dynamics: Error bounds and algorithms<http://sc.iam.metu.edu.tr/aigaion/index.php/publications/show/534>” which is joint work with A. Ganguly<http://sc.iam.metu.edu.tr/aigaion/index.php/authors/show/683>, H. Koeppl<http://sc.iam.metu.edu.tr/aigaion/index.php/authors/show/690> and
submitted to SIAM Journal of Multiscale Modelling and Simulations

All interested are kindly invited,
Best regards,
İpek Tuvay & Seher Tutdere
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