[Turkmath:9501] PODE 2014

mehmet unal munal at comu.edu.tr
28 Oca 2014 Sal 11:33:09 EET

Dear Colleagues,
This is friendly reminder those of you who plan to attend for the 2014 
Progress on Difference Equations (2014 PODE), please be aware that the 
early registration deadline: February 1, 2014.

The 2014 Progress on Difference Equations will take place in the İzmir 
University of Economics in İzmir, Turkey from May 21 to May 24, 2014.

This meeting continues in the line of other PODE workshops, the first 
two held in Laufen (Germany) PODE 2007, PODE 2008, followed by the 
workshops in Bedlewo (Poland) PODE 2009, Xanthi (Greece) PODE 2010, 
Dublin (Ireland) PODE 2011, Richmond (Virginia, USA) PODE 2012 and 
Bialystok (Poland) PODE 2013.

The workshop aim is to provide a forum for researchers in the area of 
difference equations (ordinary and partial), discrete dynamical systems, 
and their applications, to discuss and exchange their latest works. 
There will be organized a special session dedicated to fractional 
difference equations.

Registration fee includes (lunch+tea/coffee/cookies) in addition to the 
conference package.

For more information about the workshop, Please visit 

Ünal Ufuktepe, Chair, O.C. (Organizing Committee)
Mehmet Unal, Co-chair, O.C. (Organizing Committee)

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