[Turkmath:9917] 13th International Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Applications (IWDSA 2014)

Doç. Dr. Nurettin DOĞAN ndogan at gazi.edu.tr
10 Haz 2014 Sal 13:19:22 EEST

13th International Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Applications (IWDSA 2014) ( http://www.iwdsa2014.etu.edu.tr ) will take place in TOBB Ecomony and Technology University, Ankara, Turkey, June 14, 2014.The main theme of this workshop will be "Partial Differential Equations and Applications". However, talks will not be restricted to this subject only. These workshops constitute the annual meetings of the series of dynamical systems seminars traditionally organized at Middle East Technical University throughout each academic year. The workshop is held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Dynamical Systems and Applications. 

Organizing Committee 


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurettin DOĞAN 
+90 312 202 85 72/ ndogan at gazi.edu.tr 

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