[Turkmath:9647] GYTE Weekly Seminars

İrem YAMAN i.yaman at gyte.edu.tr
21 Mar 2014 Cum 14:51:28 EET

Sayın liste üyeleri,

GYTE Matematik haftalık seminerler kapsamında, Mehmet Akif Erdal (Bilkent Üniversitesi)
26 Mart'ta  "The Equivariant James Spectral Sequence"
başlıklı bir seminer verecektir.

Seminerin detayları ekte (ve aşağıda) olup tüm ilgilenenler davetlidir.

İrem Yaman & Aslı Güçlükan İlhan

Dear All,

Mehmet Akif Erdal  (Bilkent University) will give a talk titled "The Equivariant James Spectral Sequence" in our next departmental weekly seminar.

In this talk, I will discuss the Equivariant generalization of the James spectral sequence. The James spectral sequence, which computes generalized homology groups of  Thom Spectra, is a generalization of the classical Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence. It is a strong spectral sequence and has nice geometric applications. The original construction of the James Spectral sequence is due to Peter Teichner, in his Ph.D. thesis. He used Atiyah-Hirzebruch-Serre spectral sequence in the original construction. We give a new construction of the James spectral sequence by using Bousfield-Kan spectral sequence. Our construction is also applicable to the Equivariant world, so that we get the equivariant generalization of the James spectral sequence.

Date: 26.03.2014
Time: 14:00
Location: GIT, Department of Mathematics, Building I, Seminar Room

All are most cordially invited.
Best regards,
İrem Yaman&Aslı Güçlükan İlhan
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