[Turkmath:9796] Sabancı Üniv. Math. Colloquium (May 16 Friday, 16:00): Jonathan Jedwab, 3-phase Golay sequence triads

wmeidl wmeidl at sabanciuniv.edu
7 Mayıs 2014 Çar 22:21:15 EEST

Dear All,

please see below the abstract of the Sabancı University Math. Colloquium 
talk by
Jonathan Jedwab,* Simon Fraser University, Canada*
**Title: *3-phase Golay sequence triads
*Date: *Friday, 16.05.2014, 16:00*
Place:* Sabanci University, Karakoy Minerva Han

Golay sequence pairs have been applied in multislit spectrometry, 
optical time domain reflectometry, multicarrier wireless transmission, 
and medical ultrasound.
They are closely related to Barker sequences and Reed-Muller codes. In 
1990, Eliahou, Kervaire and Saffari used a polynomial formulation to 
constrain the possible
length of a Golay sequence pair; no further general nonexistence results 
have been found.
3-phase Golay sequence triads were introduced by Frank in 1980, but have 
since been largely neglected even though they are particularly suited to 
practical implementation.
I shall describe constructions for infinite families of 3-phase Golay 
sequence triads, and discuss numerical results suggesting these triads 
have a much richer existence
pattern than the more familiar Golay sequence pairs. I shall outline an 
elementary argument giving the first general nonexistence result for 
3-phase Golay sequence triads.

This is joint work with Aki Avis.

All interested are most welcome.

For directions please see this link 

Greetings, Wilfried Meidl

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