[Turkmath:10127] Hacettepe Matematik Semineri-Çarşamba

Mesut Şahin mesutsahin at gmail.com
3 Kas 2014 Pzt 07:27:10 UTC

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Hacettepe Üniversitesi Matematik Bölümü Genel Seminerleri kapsamında 03
Kasım 2014 Çarşamba günü  Atılım Üniversitesinden Prof. Dr.  Sofiya
Ostrovska  konuşmacı olacaktır. İlgilenenleri bekliyoruz.

*Tarih (Date) :* 03.11.2014, Çarşamba (Wednesday)

*Saat (Time):* 15:00

*Yer (Place):* Yaşar ATAMAN Seminer Salonu

*Konuşmacı (Speaker):* Prof. Dr. Sofiya Ostrovska (Atılım Üniversitesi)

*Başlık (Title) :* On the limit q-Bernstein operator

*Özet (Abstract) : *

The limit q-Bernstein operator Bq plays a significant role in Approximation
Theory as an exemplary model for the study of the convergence of positive
linear operators based on the q-integers.

Over the past years, the limit q-Bernstein operator has been studied widely
from different perspectives. It has been shown that Bq is a positive
shape-preserving linear operator on C[0,1] with ∥Bq∥ = 1. Its approximation
properties, probabilistic interpretation, the behavior of iterates, and the
impact on the smoothness of a function have already been examined. In this
talk, both new and previously known results on the limit q-Bernstein
operator are presented.

NOT: Konuşma sonunda çay ve pasta ikramı olacaktır.

(P.S.  Tea and cookies will be served after the talk.)

  Mesut Sahin
  Associate Professor
  Department of Mathematics
  Hacettepe University
  TR 06800 Beytepe
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