[Turkmath:10078] GYTE Genel Seminer

Seher Tutdere stutdere at gmail.com
10 Eki 2014 Cum 09:56:15 UTC

Sayın liste üyeleri,

GYTE  Matematik   Bölümü Genel Seminerleri kapsamında,  15 Ekim Çarşamba
günü  iki seminer yapılacaktır.:

1) Alp Bassa  (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi)
2)  Dietrich Kuhn (Oldenburg University, Almanya)

Seminerlerin  detayları aşağıda olup tüm ilgilenenler davetlidir.

Seher Tutdere & İpek Tuvay

Dear all,

There will be two seminars in Gebze Institute of Technology (GIT) on 15 th
of October.

*Time and place:*  in Department of Mathematics, Building I, Seminar Room.

1)   at 13:00     *Dietrich Kuhn  (*Oldenburg University, Germany)   Tame
towers and their graphs
2)   at 14:00     *Alp Bassa  (*Bosphorus University)   Rational Points on
Curves over Finite Fields and Drinfeld Modular Varieties

Abstract of the  talk of A. Bassa:
In this talk we be interested in the question of how many rational points a
high genus curve over a finite field can have. We will introduce several
approaches to this problem and present a recent result (joint work with
Beelen, Garcia, Stichtenoth) over all non-prime finite fields.

All interested are kindly invited,
Best regards,
Seher Tutdere & İpek Tuvay
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