[Turkmath:10113] Dunya Matematik Egitimi Odulleri

Turk Matematik Dernegi tmd at tmd.org.tr
23 Eki 2014 Per 17:54:52 UTC

Degerli Liste Uyeleri,

Dunya Matematik Birligi (IMU) nin egitim kolu olan ICMI nin matematik egitiminde one cikmis matematikciler icin baslattigi Emma Castelnuovo Odulu'nun duyurusuna asagidaki linkten ulasabilirsiniz. 


Son aday gosterme tarihi 15 Aralik 2014 olup, ayrintilara asagidaki linkten ve mesajtan ulasabilirsiniz.


iyi gunler,

-------- Original Message --------
Date: 	Thu, 23 Oct 2014 11:36:22 +0200
From: 	Lena Koch <icmi.cdc.administrator at mathunion.org>
To: 	icmi-representatives at mathunion.org <icmi-representatives at mathunion.org>

Dear all,

Please forward this call for nominations to your networks:


The Emma Castelnuovo Award Committee is pleased to announce that nominations are being accepted for the first ICMI Emma Castelnuovo Award. The recipient of the award will be announced early in 2015, and the award will be conferred at the 13th International Congress on Mathematics Education in July 2016 in Hamburg, Germany. The awardee (or its representative in the case of an institution, project, or
organization) will be invited to present a special lecture at the Congress.

The Emma Castelnuovo Award will celebrate outstanding achievements in the practice of mathematics education. It will honor persons, groups, projects, institutions, or organizations that have done exceptionally excellent and influential work in our field. Nominees will be evaluated in light of the following criteria:

. the educational rationale for the candidate's work and what served as a catalyst for that work;

. the problems addressed by the candidate;

. the candidate's role in addressing the problems, whether they involve curriculum development, teacher education, professional development, design of instruction, or other areas of mathematics education practice;

. the conditions under which the work has taken place (the cultural and political context, infrastructure, funding, and people involved);

. the originality and creativity involved in how the candidate has addressed problems and overcome obstacles;

. the quality of networking with other key stakeholders (e.g., bridging theory and practice);

. external or internal evaluations of the work, if available;

. the extent of the influence of the work on educational practice, including quantitative or qualitative evidence of that influence; and

. the potential of the work to serve as a model (either for inspiring others addressing similar problems or because of taking an approach that could be applied elsewhere with appropriate modifications).

Nominations for the Emma Castelnuovo Award should include the following:

1) a document (max 5 pages) describing the nominee's programme and reasons for the nomination (including the nominee's impact on the field);

2) a one-page summary statement;

3) an account of the genesis and dissemination of the nominee's work and the roles of the people involved, with brief curricula vitae of the key persons (max 10 pages);

4) electronic copies of three publications that reflect the nominee's work related to the practice of mathematics education (e.g., journal articles, textbooks, other instructional materials, or CD-ROMs);

5) three letters of support (from different stakeholders and, if possible, from different countries); and

6) the names and e-mail coordinates of two persons who could provide further information, if needed.

All nominations must be sent by e-mail (jkilpat at uga.edu
<mailto:jkilpat at uga.edu>) to the Chair of the Committee no later than December 15, 2014.

Jeremy Kilpatrick,
Chair of the ICMI Castelnuovo Award Committee
105 Aderhold Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-7124

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