[Turkmath:10119] MSGSU Seminer: Ozgur Evren / A Gentle Introduction to Teichmüller Theory / 30.10.2014

Emrah Çakçak ecakcak at gmail.com
27 Eki 2014 Pzt 22:15:05 UTC

Değerli liste üyeleri,

MSGSÜ Matematik Bölümü Genel Seminerleri'nde bu hafta konuşmacımız, Özgür
Evren. Konuşmanın detayları aşağıda.

İyi çalışmalar,

Emrah Çakçak


Konuşmacı: Özgür Evren (Istanbul Bilgi Universitesi)

Başlık: A Gentle Introduction to Teichmüller Theory

Özet: Teichmüller theory is primarily concerned about studying the moduli
for hyperbolic structures on a given topological surface. It is subject
where different branches of mathematics such as complex analysis,
hyperbolic geometry, algebraic topology, low dimensional topology and
several others intersect. In this talk, we will motivate and define the
Teichmüller space and introduce several geometries on this space. Time
permitting, we will discuss certain results about the comparison of these
geometries and some open problems on the same topic.

Zaman: 30.10.2014 (PERŞEMBE),  16:00

Yer: MSGSÜ, Bomonti Kampüsü (Harita <http://math.msgsu.edu.tr/iletisim.html>),
Matematik Bölümü Seminer Odası.
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