[Turkmath:469] ACA2015 de 2 oturum

Mustafa Akgul akgul at bilkent.edu.tr
Sat May 2 14:34:13 UTC 2015

Komsuda olan bir konferans hk

Polytopes - Algebra - Computation

Special Session of Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA 2015)

July 20 - 23, 2015, Kalamata, Greece

The special session on "Polytopes-Algebra-Computation", in the context of
Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA 2015), will focus on the interaction
of polyhedral geometry with algebra and algebraic geometry from a
computational viewpoint.

Topics of interest lie at the intersection of polyhedral geometry,
algebraic geometry and algorithms, including but not limited to:

* Polytopes in algebra and algebraic geometry
* Newton polytopes
* Computational Ehrhart theory
* Algebraic aspects of polytopes
* Algebraic applications of computational geometry
* Applications of Polytopes (e.g., statistics, combinatorics etc.)
* Software - 4ti2, barvinok, gfan, LattE, Normaliz, polymake, etc.

Researchers in these and related fields are invited to contribute by
presenting their work at the special session. If you are interested in
contributing, please send a short abstract to
Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos <zafeirakopoulos at gmail.com>

Deadline for submissions is May 15th, 2015. For more information, please

Groebner Bases, Resultants and Linear Algebra

Special Session of Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA 2015)
July 20 - 23, 2015, Kalamata, Greece

The special session on
 "Groebner Bases, Resultants and Linear Algebra",
in the context of Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA 2015), is the
continuation of the successful workshop under the same name that took
place at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) in 2013.

GBReLA's theme lies in the intersection of Groebner bases, resultants and
linear algebra. The talks will range from comprehensible introductions to
recent research results and ideas. Beginners in this area will have the
chance to dive into the linear algebra approach to Groebner bases and
resultants, while advanced students and researchers will have the chance
to exchange on new insights about the connections of Groebner bases,
resultants and related matrix methods

The topics of the session include (but are not restricted to)

    (Sylvester, Macaulay, Dixon, ...)-resultant.
    Sparse resultant.
    Construction and structure of resultant matrices.
    Groebner bases and resultants.
    Elimination ideals.
    Theory of Groebner Bases and variations (e.g standard bases)

Researchers in these and related fields are invited to contribute by
presenting their work at the special session. If you are interested in
contributing, please send a short abstract to

Maximilian Jaroschek <mjarosch at mpi-inf.mpg.de>
Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos <zafeirakopoulos at gmail.com>

The topics of the session include (but are not restricted to)

    (Sylvester, Macaulay, Dixon, ...)-resultant.
    Sparse resultant.
    Construction and structure of resultant matrices.
    Groebner bases and resultants.
    Elimination ideals.
    Theory of Groebner Bases and variations (e.g standard bases)

Researchers in these and related fields are invited to contribute by
their work at the special session. If you are interested in contributing,
send a short abstract to

Maximilian Jaroschek <mjarosch at mpi-inf.mpg.de>
Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos <zafeirakopoulos at gmail.com>

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