[Turkmath:2185] Gebze Teknik Universitesi Matematik Bölümü Genel Seminerleri

Işıl Öner ioner at gtu.edu.tr
Mon Apr 24 06:25:47 UTC 2017

Sayin Liste Uyeleri,

Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi (GTU) Matematik Bölümü Genel Seminerleri kapsamında,
28 Nisan Cuma günü saat 14:00'da Ilmar Gahramanov ( Max Planck Institute) bir seminer verecektir. Seminerin detayları aşağıda olup tüm ilgilenenler davetlidir.


Dear all,

There will be a seminar in Gebze Technical University (GTU) on 28th of
April by  Ilmar Gahramanov ( Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics )
Time  and  place:  At 14:00 in Department of Mathematics, Building I, Seminar room.

Title: 20 years of elliptic hypergeometric functions
Abstract: Elliptic hypergeometric functions were introduced by Frenkel and Turaev two decades ago. They are generalization of the basic (q-) and ordinary (plane) hypergeometric functions. During last years, there has been a large increase of interest in elliptic hypergeometric functions both in the mathematics and mathematical physics community. In the talk, I will try to outline special functions of hypergeometric type, mainly in the context of mathematical physics. Then I will review the current status elliptic hypergeometric functions. In particular, I will discuss the elliptic gamma function and its properties, the elliptic beta integral (the top know generalization of the Euler beta integral), the elliptic analogue of the Euler-Gauss hypergeometric function and more complicated elliptic hypergeometric integrals. If time permits, I will discuss various applications of these functions in mathematical physics, mainly in integrable models, quantum field theory and Painleve equations.

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