[Turkmath:2108] Finite groups and their automorphisms 2017

Gulin Ercan ercan at metu.edu.tr
Wed Mar 15 14:24:36 UTC 2017

Sayın Liste Üyeleri,

3-6 Mayıs 2017 tarihlerinde Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Matematik  

  "Finite groups and their automorphisms 2017"

adlı bir konferans düzenlenecektir. Konferansın konuşmacıları;

Andrey Vasil’ev, Attila Maróti, Danila Revin,

Gülin Ercan, İsmail Güloğlu ve Zoltán Halasi

olup kısa konuşmalar ve poster sunumlarına da yer verilecektir.
Konuya ilgi duyan meslektaşlarımızın ve özellikle
lisansüstü öğrencilerin katılımını bekliyoruz.

Lisansüstü öğrencilere bir miktar destek sağlanabilecektir.

Detaylı bilgiye aşağıdaki linkten ulaşabilirsiniz.


Organizasyon komitesi adına,

Gülin Ercan

Dear All,

We would like to announce herewith a four-day conference titled

"Finite groups and their automorphisms 2017"

which will take place in Bolu, Turkey at Abant İzzet Baysal University
on May 3-6 2017.

It mainly aims to bring together graduate students studying
group theory, in order to share ideas and improve themselves
in an encouraging environment with the support of experienced
researchers in the area. There will be several main talks,
a limited number of contributed talks and a poster session.
The main talks will present recent results in a detailed manner,
if necessary in more than one session.

The main speakers are:

Andrey Vasil’ev, Attila Maróti, Danila Revin,
Gülin Ercan, İsmail Güloğlu, Zoltán Halasi

We will be more than happy to host our colleagues
including PhD candidates who want to give a talk
or present a poster. If you are interested,
for details and registration please visit the webpage:


There is limited funding for graduate students.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Bolu!!

On behalf of organizing committee,

Gülin Ercan

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