[Turkmath:3452] Talk by Anton Khoroshkin at IMBM: Around Deformation quantization

Ilmar Gahramanov ilmar.gh at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 16:05:39 UTC 2018

Dear All,

Anton Khoroshkin (Higher School of Economics, Moscow) will give a lecture
series on

"*Around Deformation quantization*".

*Abstract*: First, I will explain two different proofs of the existence of
deformation quantization of the functions on the Poisson manifold due to
M.Kontsevich and D.Tamarkin. Second I will explain the complexity of this
problem and the equivalence of this two proofs. Third, I will introduce the
Grothendieck-Teichmuller group and its action on the set of quantizations.
Finally, I will translate everything to the language of operads and state
the known and open questions around. The talk is based on the works of
Kontsevich, Tamarkin and Willwacher and their collaborators.

The lectures will take place on Thursday (06.12.2018) and Friday
(07.12.2018), at 17:30 at the Istanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences
(IMBM). Please find the poster of the lectures attached.

Best regards,
Ilmar Gahramanov
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