[Turkmath:3925] Turk Matematik Dernegi'ni teror ile ve hukumeti devirmeye tesebbusle suclananlarin ve hakkinda agirlastirilmis muebbet cezasi istenenlerin elinden kurtarmaya cagri

Ercüment Ortaçgil ortacgile at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 15:49:08 UTC 2019

Ben Ercüment Ortaçgil.
Zafer Ercan'ın  bugün tmd ve turkmath'e gönderdiği aşağıdaki metni
konuşmaya ve tartışmaya açıyorum.

Ya simdi
ya da hep su fikrayi hatirlamaya devam :
biz başta ermeni'yi dövdürmeyecektik
* https://eksisozluk.com/biz-basta-ermeniyi-dovdurmeyecektik--4554556

Sunlar daha once sorulmus, cevap vermiyorlar :
"son 2 secimde hile yapildi, sonuclar mesru degildir ,
Turk MD yonetimi istifa etmelidir ve secimler yenilenmelidir"
diyenler olmasina ragmen uye ve secim istatistiklerini aciklamiyorlar :
- Turk MD 2018 seçiminde kimler aday oldu ve kaç oy aldı (İstanbul ve
Ankara sandıkları ve
toplam), üyeler arasında oy kullanma oranı nedir?

Bakanlar kurulu karariyla ayricalikli olarak
Turk adini tasiyan
Turk MD yoneticilerinin ahval ve seraiti :
Turk MD'nin patronu, Attila Askar ;
o, kimleri isterse, onlar yonetici olabiliyor ,
o, kimi isterse, o Matematik Dunyasi dergisi editoru olabiliyor :
koca ulkede Turk MD'yi yonetecek baska matematikci mi yok !? :

- karsiligi agirlastirilmis muebbet hapis cezasi olan
"cebir ve şiddet kullanarak
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Hükümetini ortadan kaldırmaya veya
görevlerini yapmasına kısmen veya
tamamen engellemeye teşebbüs etmek" ve
"bu amaçla örgüt kurmak"
suclamasıyla hakkinda acilan sorusturma devam edenler :
* Betül Tanbay Tüten (eski başkan)

- "terör örgütü propagandası" suclamasıyla
hakkinda acilan dava devam edenler ya da
15 ay hapis cezasi ile davasi bitenler :
* Sefa Feza Arslan : 2. Başkan
* Özlem Beyarslan Nesin : Genel Sekreter
* Ayşe Berkman (önceki donem, 2. başkan)

ASLİ ÜYELER : Burak Özbağcı (Başkan), Ayberk Zeytin (Sayman), Attila Aşkar
(eski başkan)
YEDEK ÜYELER : Cem Güneri, Tunç Mısırlıoğlu, Mine Çağlar, Ekin Özman
DENETLEME KURULU : Huriye Arıkan, Albert Erkip, Muhammed Uludağ
ONUR KURULU : Ali Ülger, Yusuf Ünlü

Ornek Turk MD duyurusu :
Turk MD yoneticilerinin derdi, matematik degil, iste bu ! :
* http://tmd.org.tr/betul-tanbay-duyuru/

TMD eski başkanı Betül Tanbay gözaltına alındı.

Derneğimizin üyesi, eski başkanı, Avrupa Matematik Derneği Başkan
Yardımcısı Betül Tanbay, çağrıldığında gelebilecek olmasına ve delil
karartma ihtimali olmamasına rağmen, sabahın 6 sında, uygunsuz bir biçimde
gözaltına alınmıştır. Kendisi bir gün sonra serbest bırakılmış, ancak
yurtdışına çıkma yasağı konulmuştur.

Akademik özgürlüğe yönelik hiç bir baskı kabul edilemez. Betül Tanbay’ın en
kısa zamanda tüm haklarına kavuşacağını umuyoruz.

Türk Matematik Derneği Yönetim Kurulu

Turk MD nin uluslararasi basarilarindan ornekler :
en iyi 4-5 Turk matematikciden 1'i olan Selman Akbulut,
ustelik AMS Human Rights komisyonu eski baskani,
"burada ayrimcilik yapiliyor ve
cogu milli takim sporcusu 200'den fazla kucuk kiz cimnastikciye
tecavuz eden MSU hocasi antrenorun haltlarini
ortbas edenler, beni MSU'dan atmaya calisiyor" diye yirtiniyor,
AMS, onu gormuyor - duymuyor, ama
her nasil oluyorsa,
15 bin km otede "terorle" suclanan
Betul Tanbay'i,
Ayse Berkman'i,
Oznur Yasar Diner'i,
Sefa Feza Arslan'i,
Kıvanc Ersoy'u,
Tuna Altinel'i,
goruyor - duyuyor - destekliyor :

tabi ki Selman hocayi, Turk MD de gormuyor - duymuyor :

Yilmaz Akyildiz hoca, Selman hocayi desteklemek icin
2 ayda zar zor 100 imza toplayabildi.
Tuna Altinel'i desteklemek icin birkac gunde
5.000'den fazla imza toplamislar simdiye dek,
Turkiye'den 235, bir de "baska ulkedenim" diyen Turkler var.
Aradaki farki yaratan : 1. terorle suclanmak ve suclayanin Turkiye olmasi !
Ve 2. Turk MD'nin, yabancilari, Turkiye'yi protesto etmeleri için
kiskirtmasi !

AMS Human Rights komisyonu eski baskani Selman Akbulut diyor ki :
tecrubeyle cok iyi biliyorum ki
kurumsal olarak resmi basvuru yapilmadikca
AMS, asla boyle yazilar yazmaz,
AMS'nin boyle yazilar yazmasi icin
kiskirtacak tek yer Turk MD :

Turk MD, bunlarin elinde oldukca,
Turk MD'nin kiskirtmasiyla
boyle yazilar, devam edecek :
* https://www.ams.org/news?news_id=5152

AMS American Mathematical Society

The Latest

Concern for Turkish Mathematicians and Arrest of Tuna Altinel

May 31, 2019

Professor Tuna Altinel, a Turkish mathematician employed at the Université
Lyon 1 in France, was arrested in Turkey on May 11, 2019 and remains
imprisoned. He has been prosecuted for signing a petition protesting
military action taken by the Turkish military against Kurdish provinces.
More information about his case is available here. This website includes
actions you can take to support Professor Altinel including sending a
personal postcard, or signing a petition calling for his release.

The American Mathematical Society’s Committee on Human Rights of
Mathematicians has recently voiced objections to the political prosecution
of the Turkish mathematicians Betul Tanbay and Ayse Berkman, who are among
the thousands of signatories of the petition.

Recent news indicates that the situation in Turkey is worsening for some of
the signatories, including for Professor Altinel. On May 28 the Committee
issued a Statement of Continued Concern for Turkish Mathematicians, which
gives further information on the developing situation.



AMS Americam Mathematical Society
Committee on Human Rights of Mathematicians

Statement of Continued Concern
for Turkish Mathematicians

AMS Committee on Human Rights of Mathematicians

The American Mathematical Society’s Committee on Human Rights of
Mathematicians has recently
voiced objections to the political prosecution of the Turkish
mathematicians Betul Tanbay and Ayse
Berkman, who are among the thousands of signatories of the petition
protesting military action
taken by the Turkish military against Kurdish provinces. Signatories of
this petition, including
mathematicians and other scholars, have been threatened with the loss of
the right to travel and
their positions. Recent news indicates that the situation in Turkey is

• On February 21, 2019, 28 academics were sentenced to a total of nearly 60
years in prison
for having signed the petition “Not in our Name.” In particular, the
mathematician Öznur
Yaşar Diner was given the especially harsh sentence of 27 months based on
her not
“showing remorse.”

• On March 5, 2019, Sela Feza Arslan, a mathematician at Mimar Sinan Fine
Arts University in
Istanbul who also signed this petition, had his second hearing at the Heavy
Penal Court. His
defense can be read here.

• On March 15, 2016, Kıvanç Ersoy, along with three others who signed and
read aloud the
petition, was arrested and imprisoned for 40 days. His case, involving a
charge of
“Propaganda of Terrorism,” is ongoing.

• On May 11, Tuna Altinel, a Turkish mathematician employed at the
University of Lyon in
France and another signatory of the petition, was arrested in Turkey and
imprisoned; the European Mathematical Society has issued a strong and urgent
condemnation. A petition demanding his release can be found here.
• Undergraduate students have also been arrested, imprisoned, and charged
with crimes for
anti-war activity.

The American Mathematical Society’s Committee on Human Rights of
Mathematicians reiterates its
condemnation of these political charges against mathematicians and other
academics. Political
repression of this nature not only violates basic human rights, it
jeopardizes scientific inquiry and
scholarship and the standing of Turkish institutions of higher learning and
research. We urge the
Turkish government to restore the political and human rights of Professors
Diner, Berkman, Arslan,
Altinel, and their colleagues.

The AMS Committee on Human Rights of Mathematicians
(Dr. Arthur Ogus, University of California at Berkeley, Committee Chair)

May 28, 2019

* http://www.ams.org/news?news_id=4893

American Mathematical Society

News, Events and Announcements

AMS Committee on Human Rights Issues Statement of Concern about Turkish

February 08, 2019

The AMS Committee on Human Rights of Mathematicians has issued the
following statement expressing concern for Turkish mathematician Ayse
Berkman and her colleagues:

The Turkish government has charged the mathematician Professor Ayse Berkman
with the crime of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization,” based
solely on her having signed a petition decrying military operations against
civilians in Kurdish provinces. She appeared before the Heavy Penalty Court
of Istanbul on January 10, 2019; see a translation of her defense statement
and the petition she signed.

Professor Berkman received her PhD at the University of Manchester
Institute of Science and Technology in1998. She has been teaching
mathematics in Turkey since then, currently at Mimar Sinana University in
Istanbul, and is a member of the American Mathematical Society.

The Committee on Human Rights of Mathematicians of the American
Mathematical Society deplores these political charges against Professor
Berkman, which are a clear violation of human rights and academic freedom.
These charges are part of a disturbing pattern: hundreds of academics in
Turkey have been charged, and scores sentenced, for similar expressions of
opinion. We decry these assaults on academic freedom and urge the Turkish
government to respect the political and human rights of Professor Berkman
and her colleagues.

The AMS Committee on Human Rights of Mathematicians
(Dr. Arthur Ogus, University of California at Berkeley, Committee Chair)



European Mathematical Society

EMS protest against the detention of Betül Tanbay

The European Mathematical Society is outraged at the news that the Turkish
police have detained, in Istanbul on the morning of 16th November 2018,
Professor Betül Tanbay, a member of the EMS Executive Committee. We are
incredulous at the subsequent Press Release from the Istanbul Security
Directorate accusing her of links to organized crime and attempts to topple
the Turkish government.

Professor Tanbay is a distinguished mathematician and a Vice President
Elect of the European Mathematical Society, due to assume that role from
January 2019. We have known her for many years as a talented scientist and
teacher, a former President of the Turkish Mathematical Society, an
open-minded citizen, and a true democrat. She may not hesitate to exercise
her freedom of speech, a lawful right that any decent country guarantees
its citizens, but it is preposterous to suggest that she could be involved
in violent or criminal activities.

We demand that Professor Tanbay is immediately freed from detention, and we
call on the whole European research community to raise its voice against
this shameful mistreatment of our colleague, so frighteningly reminiscent
of our continent's darkest times.

Update 17/11/18: We can confirm that Betül Tanbay has now been released
from custody. However, we continue to have grave concerns about her
situation. We will release an updated statement when we have more details.
Thank you to everyone who has expressed support and solidarity!

Submitted by Anonymous | 16 / Nov / 2018



London Mathematical Society (established 1865)

News Entry  20112018 1133

Arrest of Professor Betül Tanbay

The LMS deplores the recent arrest of Professor Betül Tanbay of  Boğaziçi
University, Istanbul on spurious and absurd charges, but is relieved to
have had news of her speedy and safe release. Professor Tanbay is an active
and widely respected member of the international mathematical community, a
former President of the Turkish Mathematical Society and a Vice-Chair Elect
of the European Mathematical Society. We remain however concerned about the
impact these charges and arrest may have on her future ability to travel
abroad, in particular should she wish to enter the UK. For further
information on the arrests and statements by the EMS and Amnesty
International please see here and here

Submitted by John Johnston on 20 November, 2018 11:33



London Mathematical Society (established 1865)

News Entry  22052019 1544

Arrest of Mathematician Tuna Altinel

The LMS is deeply concerned about the arrest in Turkey on 11 May 2019 of
Tuna Altinel, a Turkish mathematician  working for many years in the
Université Lyon 1 in France. Professor Altinel was one of the signatories
in 2016 of a petition supported by more than 2000 scientists and
intellectuals against military actions towards civilians, and took part in
a legitimate public meeting in France in February 2019 on the same topic.

The LMS condemns this violation of Professor Altinel’s human rights, as we
do of all Turkish colleagues suffering similar injustice. He should be
immediately released and allowed to return to France to resume his teaching
and research. More information is available here.

Submitted by John Johnston on 22 May, 2019 15:44


* http://www.ailalogica.it/2019/05/20/comunicato-per-tuna-altinel/


Comunicato per Tuna Altınel
(English text follows the Italian one)

Tuna Altınel, matematico turco, esperto di teoria dei modelli dei gruppi,
professore presso l’università di Lyon 1, l’11 Maggio 2019, è stato
arrestato in Turchia in occasione di un suo rientro in patria.Le autorità
turche lo accusano di propaganda terrorista. Altınel fa parte degli
“universitari per la pace” che a gennaio 2016 avevano firmato una petizione
per far cessare i combattimenti in Kurdistan.L’AILA, Associazione Italiana
di Logica e Applicazioni, condanna risolutamente questa azione.  L’AILA
ritiene questo gesto un crimine politico e, esprimendo profonda solidarietà
al Prof. Altınel, ne chiede l’immediata scarcerazione e rientro in Francia.

Tuna Altınel, Turkish mathematician, expert in model theory of groups,
professor at the University of Lyon 1, was arrested in Turkey on May 11,
2019 on the occasion of his return home.The Turkish authorities accuse him
of terrorist propaganda. Altınel is part of the “Academics for peace” that
in January 2016 signed a petition to stop the war in Kurdistan.AILA, the
Italian Association of Logic and Applications, resolutely condemns this
action. AILA considers this a political crime and, expressing profound
solidarity with Prof. Altınel, calls for his immediate release from prison
and return to France.


* http://maddmaths.simai.eu/comunicare/comunicati-stampa/umi-altinel/

MaddMaths !
Matematica Divulgazione Didattica


L’UMI condanna l’arresto del matematico Tuna Altınel

Roberto Natalini | 17 maggio 2019 | 2 commenti

L’UMI condanna l’arresto del matematico Tuna Altınel

Tuna Altınel, matematico turco, professore presso l’Università di Lyon 1,
l’11 Maggio 2019, è stato arrestato in Turchia in occasione di un suo
rientro in patria. Viene accusato di propaganda terroristica, per aver
firmato nel 2016 una petizione per la pace nella regione turca del


L’Unione Matematica Italiana UMI apprende con sconcerto dell’arresto in
Turchia del nostro collega Tuna Altinel, docente all’Università Lyon 1 in
Francia. Molti tra noi conoscono Tuna e lo apprezzano vivamente non solo
per i suoi brillanti contributi alla teoria dei modelli dei gruppi ma anche
per il suo carattere cortese e per il suo impegno per la pace.

Gli esprimiamo la nostra piena solidarietà.

Condanniamo questa violazione dei suoi diritti umani e chiediamo il suo
immediato rilascio e l’autorizzazione al rientro in Francia perché possa
riprendere  serenamente il suo lavoro.


The Italian Mathematical Union UMI learns with dismay of the arrest in
Turkey of our colleague Tuna Altinel, professor at Université Lyon 1 in
France. Many of us know Tuna and strongly appreciate him not only for his
brilliant contributions to model theory of groups, but also for his
gentleness and his commitment to peace.

We express to him our full solidarity.

We condemn the violation of his human rights and ask that he be released
immediately and authorized to return to France to resume his work”


* http://math.univ-lyon1.fr/SoutienTunaAltinel/

Fransizca - Ingilizce - Turkce

Liberte Pour Tuna Altinel

Hands off my Colleague
Solidarity with Academics for Peace - Turkey

Comité de soutien pour la libération de Tuna Altınel –
Support committee for Tuna Altınel's liberation

L'État turc emprisonne les « Universitaires pour la paix »

Tuna Altınel : 23e jour d'incarcération – Füsun Üstel : 26e jour

Signer la pétition
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