[Turkmath:4540] Master/Doktora ve Postdoc pozisyonu (Uygulamalı Matematik)

ilker ikocyigit at ku.edu.tr
Tue Jul 7 07:01:55 UTC 2020

Çevrenizde ilgilenebilecek öğrenciler ile paylaşırsanız sevinirim.

ilker kocyigit.

*PhD or MSc Student Positions in Applied Mathematics.*
Multiple graduate study positions (PhD or MSc) are available at Koç
University. Candidates should have a BSc degree and strong interest in
conducting research in Applied Mathematics in one of the research areas
listed below <http://home.ku.edu.tr/~ikocyigit/ana_positions.html>.
Candidate should have a strong background in mathematics, however students
from non-math disciplines can apply such as engineering, statistics
economics, etc. For one of the positions, programming skills (Python or
Matlab) are preferred.

Review of applications is beginning soon and will continue until the
positions are filled.
*In order to apply email *:
    (1) a detailed CV
    (2) half page letter explaining your motivations, areas you're
interested in, and your future career plans.
    (3) transcript (scanned or pdf file)

to ikocyigit at ku.edu.tr with a subject line "GRAD-STU-APP".

Positions are supported by a Tubitak project in inverse problems and
imaging. Benefits include reduced-or-no teaching, monthly salary from
Tubitak (4500TL for PhD students), and some research fund (for domestic and
international travel, mobile workstation, etc). More information will be
sent via email upon receipt of your application.

*Postdoctoral Researcher in Applied Mathematics.*
One postdoc position in Applied Mathematics at Koç University (1-year
appointment, extendible up to 3 years). Candidate should have PhD in a
mathematical discipline and his/her research interests should overlap with
one or more of the research areas listed below. Strong programming skills
(Python or Matlab) and experience in scientific computing are preferred.

Review of applications is beginning soon and will continue until the
position is filled.
*In order to apply email *:
    (1) a detailed CV containing list of publications and names of 2
    (2) a short research summary (past projects and future plans)

to ikocyigit at ku.edu.tr with a subject line "POSTDOC-APP".

Positions are supported by a Tubitak project in inverse problems and
imaging. Benefits include reduced-or-no teaching, monthly salary of 6000TL
from Tubitak, and some research fund (for domestic and international
travel, mobile workstation, etc). More information will be sent via email
upon receipt of your application.

*Research Areas for Open Positions:*
(1) Inverse problems for PDEs, mathematical analysis of various imaging
modalities such as Radar/Sonar, impedance tomography, hybrid problems,
medical and geophysical imaging, etc., image reconstruction algorithms
(2) Wave propagation and inverse scattering problems, array imaging
(3) Applications of compressive sensing to inverse problems,
super-resolution, sparse recovery and convex optimization
(4) Applications of machine learning to inverse problems
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