[Turkmath:4684] Seminar on November 25, 2020 - Department of Math, Istanbul University

TEMHA ERKOÇ YILMAZTÜRK erkoct at istanbul.edu.tr
Mon Nov 23 12:01:36 UTC 2020

Dear  all,

On 25.11.2020  at 13:00 p.m, Associate Professor Mohammad Sadek from
Sabancı University will give a talk  at weekly seminars in Mathematics
Department of Istanbul University. The title and the abstract are
below. The seminar will be held online via the Zoom program. Those who want
to participate should send an e-mail to "huseyinuysal at istanbul.edu.tr"  in
order to receive the Zoom meeting ID and Passcode.


*Title :*  On algebraic curves with few bad primes

*Abstract:  *The number of primes of a number field for which a smooth
projective curve has bad reduction is known to be finite. Given a
prescribed set of prime integers, S, one may ask how many smooth projective
curves with fixed genus have bad reduction exactly at the primes in S. In
this talk, we consider the question for genus 1 and genus 2 curves when
S contains at most 2 primes. We survey some old and new results on how
to list all isomorphism classes of such curves over the rational field.


Best wishes


bu e-postayı yazdırmadan önce çevreye olan etkisini dikkate alınız. 
Unutmayınız ki; dünyadaki kağıt tüketiminin yarısı kazanılırsa, her yıl 8 
milyon hektar orman alanı (Ege Bölgesi büyüklüğünde) yok olmaktan 
take into account the impact on the environment before printing this 
e-mail. Do not forget that if we reduce our paper consumption by half, 
every year 8 million hectares of forest (an area the size of Aegean Region 
in Turkey) will be saved from vanishing.

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