[Turkmath:4654] Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi Matematik Bölümü Genel Seminerleri

GTU Mathematics mathgtu at gmail.com
Sat Oct 24 15:06:26 UTC 2020

Sayın Liste Üyeleri,

Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi (GTÜ) Matematik Bölümü Genel Seminerleri
kapsamında, 30 Ekim Cuma günü saat 14:00'te * Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Önder Türk * (G
TÜ)  *“ **Modal Analysis of Incompressible Elastic Waves Based on a
Stabilized Finite Element Method **”  *başlıklı bir seminer verecektir.
Seminerin detayları aşağıda olup tüm ilgilenenler davetlidir.

Seminer için Microsoft Teams platformu kullanılacaktır. Seminere katılmak
için aşağıdaki linki kullanabilirsiniz:


Seminere bağlanırken aşağıdaki pencereyi görürseniz,

[image: image.png]

lütfen* Allow (İzin ver) *seçeneğine tıklayınız. Bu sizin toplantıya kamera
ve mikrofonunuzla bağlanabilmenizi sağlar.

Seminere giriş yaparken lütfen gerçek ve tam adınızı kullanınız.

Konuşmadığınız sürece lütfen mikrofonunuzu kapalı tutunuz.


Dear all,

*Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Önder Türk*  from Gebze Technical University will give a
talk titled *“** Modal Analysis of Incompressible Elastic Waves Based on a
Stabilized Finite Element Method*  *”* on 30th October, at 14:00. All
interested are invited.

Abstract: Modal analysis is a typical approach employed to approximate
vibration problems of elastic materials. The key idea is to assume a
harmonic behaviour for the displacement utilizing the second order time
derivatives in the inertia term, and thus to transform the problem into an
eigenvalue problem. The set of equations is form identical to the Stokes
equations which govern the incompressible creeping flow of viscous fluids,
and is a constituent of Navier-Stokes equations. In this talk, will
concentrate on a stabilized finite element  method formulated in a
variational multiscale framework where the continuous space is approximated
by a direct sum of the finite element space and its orthogonal complement.
We shall show that the numerical procedure provides a reasonably realistic
description of the eigenspectrum of the associated operator affirming that
there are no spurious eigenvalues. Once the eigenspace has been built, the
time approximation to the solution of the continuous problem is obtained
making use of a few modes of the whole set, those with higher energy. The
presentation will include several theoretical and numerical results from
joint works with Daniele Boffi and Ramon Codina.

Microsoft Teams platform will be used for the seminar. To join the seminar,
please use the following link:


If you see the following window when connecting to the seminar,
[image: image.png]

please select *Allow**. *Then you will be able to use your microphone and
camera during the seminar.

Please use your real and complete name when you enter the system.

Please switch your microphone off unless you are speaking.

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