[Turkmath:4887] Hatırlatma-IMBM Sayı Teorisi Seminerleri

ekin ozman ekinozman at gmail.com
Mon May 17 10:18:05 UTC 2021

Sayın Liste Üyeleri,

Aşağıda duyurusunu bulabileceğiniz IMBM Sayı Teorisi Seminer dizisinin
üçüncü konuşması *21 Mayıs Cuma *günü öğleden sonra saat 4'te olacaktır.
Seminerin Zoom bağlantısına aşağıdaki sayfadan kayıt olarak ulaşabilirsiniz.
(https://sites.google.com/view/imbmnumbertheoryseminars )

 İlgilenen herkes davetlidir. Konuşmacı Alvaro Lozano-Robledo'nın konuşma
başlığı ve özeti aşağıdaki gibidir.

Sağlıklı günler dileğiyle.


Dear all,

This is to remind you that our third talk is on May 21, Friday at 4pm (Istanbul
time).  Please find the details of the talk below.

*Speaker: *Alvaro Lozano-Robledo (University of Connecticut)
*Title:* Towards a classification of adelic Galois representations attached
to elliptic curves over Q
*Abstract:* Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q. The adelic Galois
representation attached to E (this object will be defined during the talk)
captures all sorts of interesting information about the arithmetic of the
points on E(Qbar), including data about the torsion subgroup, isogenies,
and other finer invariants of the curve and its isogeny class. In this
talk, we will give a summary of recent results towards the classification
(up to isomorphism) of the possible adelic Galois representations that
arise from elliptic curves over Q, and present some recent results of the
author and his collaborators (Garen Chiloyan, Harris Daniels, Jackson
Morrow) in this area.


On the behalf of the organizers,

(Ekin Özman, Özlem Ejder, Yasemin Kara)


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