[Turkmath:5247] MSGSU Matematik Seminerleri (19 Kasim 2021, 17:00)

İpek Tuvay ipektuvay at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 07:34:09 UTC 2021

Sayın liste üyeleri,

MSGSÜ Matematik Bölümü Genel Seminerinde bu haftaki konuşmacımız Carleton
Üniversitesi'nden Şeyda İpek. Seminer ile ilgili detaylar aşağıda yer
*Time:* Friday, November 19, 2021 at 17:00

*Title:* Fundamental symmetries of nature

*Abstract:*  The building blocks of our universe, elementary particles,
obey some simple rules based on certain symmetry arguments. The most basic
interactions of elementary particles can be described by the Standard
Model, whose underlying symmetry structure is described by the group
structure SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1). There are more symmetries--sometimes empirical,
sometimes accidental--we encounter when studying elementary particles. Some
of these symmetries must be broken in order for our universe to work, e.g.
based on our observations matter--antimatter symmetry is not a good
symmetry since we do not have any antimatter in the universe while the SM
has this symmetry. I will give a broad overview of the interconnection
between particle physics and symmetries and how they help us build
theoretical models of our universe.

*Link: *

*Gelecek konuşmalar için:* https://researchseminars.org/seminar/MSGSUMath

İyi günler dilerim,

İpek Tuvay
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